Declaration of War

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Jujutsu high, Tokyo

(Y/n) and Yuta were walking back into the male dorms after their school had won the exchange event, they'd gotten back to Tokyo very late into the day and the sun had set long ago

(Y/n):hah, you serious? You used Toge's cursed speech?

Yuta:I uh...I'm not entirely sure-

(Y/n) shoved Yuta as he continued chuckling

(Y/n):well good on ya, I told you we're the strongest.

Yuta looked down again as they walked into the front door of the dorms

Yuta:I still...kinda find Inumaki kinda scary...

(Y/n) glanced at his classmate, he somewhat assumed a more somber tone

(Y/n):well don't be, unlike most in his clan, Toge was born out the gate with his cursed speech ability. So when he was little he struggled with it quite a lot when he was growing up and was usually alone because he'd sometimes accidentally curse people he didn't mean to.

Yuta came to a stop as (y/n) paused and looked over his shoulder

Yuta:is that why he...makes himself speak in those rice ingredients?

(Y/n):...yeah. Quite a few of us in this school grew up lonely or in difficult situations so we gotta look out for each other. Toge's been keeping his eye on you since you showed up as well, he might be a little awkward to understand at first but he's a good egg, don't forget that.

He looked ahead again as he started walking ahead while waving over his shoulder

(Y/n):well, I'll crash for the night.

Yuta:ri-right, good night.

As (y/n) rounded the corner, Yuta looked down once more

Yuta:*I can't believe I was judging Inumaki like's just like how everyone used to judge me...they never even got to know me.*

Once (y/n) made it to his room he turned on the light as he walked over to his desk where a small mirror rested as (y/n) sat down and removed his sunglasses and looked at his reflection, his left eye was totally bloodshot

(Y/n):looks like I overdid it a bit earlier, oh well...

The following morning, (Y/n) and Yuta were sitting on the bench by the school training field

Panda was sitting on the ground beside the bench

Yuta:um...where's Inumaki?

Panda:while you guys were at the exchange event he got an assignment to exorcise a group of low level curses, he hurt his throat so they're letting him sleep in.

Yuta looked down for a moment

Yuta:after training...why don't we go see him and bring him something?

(Y/n) smirked seeing Yuta trying to be outgoing with Toge

(Y/n):not a bad idea, why not get him something sweet-

Jujutsu Kaisen x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now