Queen of Curses

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Tokyo, Jujutsu High

Satoru was in the middle of a meeting with the higher ups, the atmosphere of the room was grim but satoru's demeanor was annoyingly casual as always

Satoru:a complete cover up and a secret execution? Boy that's some story.

Higher up:the child in question did consent however.

Satoru:he's underage. Just 16 years old and who knows how many he's cursed to death so far. He's already turned the tables on two Grade Two sorcerers and a Grade One sorcerer. Which is exactly the reason you're turned to me. Or have you forgotten that?

The higher ups murmured amongst themselves until they fell silent

Higher up:so, you'll take him?

Satoru smirked

Satoru:Yes. Yuta Okkotsu...will attend jujutsu high school.

Shortly thereafter, Satoru teleported into the isolation room Yuta was being held in, it was a small dingy room covered in talismans and had candles covering the floor

Yuta was curled into ball against the far wall

Satoru:you make this in shop class, Yuta Okkotsu?

He pulled out a knife but the blade looked as if someone had used to for crude origami

Yuta:it...used to be a knife...I tried killing myself but...Rika wouldn't let me...

Satoru:...kinda dark.

He dropped the knife on the ground

Satoru:guess what? You're starting at a new school today.

Yuta:...I'm not going.


Yuta:I don't...want to hurt anyone anymore. So I'm...never going outside again.

Satoru:never? You're going to get pretty lonely that way.

Yuta stayed quiet

Satoru:the curse that was placed upon you, it's a curse that can save people too, depending how it's used of course. My advice to you is to learn how to use that power. You can cast it all away later if you still decide to of course.

The following morning at the high school, all the first years minus (y/n) were walking to class together

Panda:did you hear about the new transfer student coming today? They say he stuffed four of his old classmates in a locker.

Maki:you mean he killed them?

Inumaki:tuna mayo.

Panda:nah, gravely injured.

Maki sighed

Maki:well if he's anything like our last transfer student, I'll put him in his place.

Inumaki:Benito flakes.

Panda:speaking of, where is he? It's been quiet lately.

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