Calm before the storm

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Jujutsu high, Tokyo

Satoru was sitting alone in one of the empty classrooms following Geto's departure, he'd been there for a few hours as the sun started setting over the horizon

He was too busy remembering his time with Geto before he changed, before the incident with the Star Plasma Vessel

Geto:survival of the weakest, that's the proper form a society should take. The weak help each other and discourage the strong. Listen Satoru, jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers.

Satoru:moral arguments? I HATE moral arguments.


Satoru:assigning reasons and responsibilities to strength is what people who are weak tend to do. When are you gonna quit making yourself feel better by spouting all this bullshit, mmm bleh!

Geto:want to take this outside, Satoru?

Satoru:what you feeling lonely? Go by yourself.

Satoru had mellowed out by a leaps and bounds after the incident and his subsequent awakening, but he did start thinking about what primarily caused Geto to change

Maybe it was his crushing defeat against the Sorcerer Killer, the way the Star Religious Group applauded the death of Riki Amani or if it was the repeated abuse to his psyche that came with always consuming curses

Satoru:Suguru...should we kill these guys?

All Satoru could clearly remember from the moment he retrieved Riko's body was thunderous applause

Satoru:the way I am right now...I doubt I'd feel anything.

Geto:...there's no point. It looks like there are only common believers here. The masterminds who know about our world have probably fled already. And unlike with the bounty, they won't be able to talk their way out of this. The organization itself had problems to begin with, it'll be resolved soon enough.

Satoru:...non point huh...does there really need to be any point to it...?'s very important that there is...especially...for a jujutsu sorcerer.

Geto likely was the reason Satoru didn't go down a much darker path that day, the effects of that day would lead them to the inevitable moment when Satoru lost Geto, when he lost his best friend

Geto:Do you think you're the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo, or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?

Satoru:what exactly are you trying to say?

Geto:if I could switch places with you, then wouldn't my foolish ideals become reasonable possibilities?


Geto:my path leads elsewhere. I plan on following it to the best of my ability.

Satoru could've killed Suguru Geto that day with his ultimate technique in an instant, but The Strongest Sorcerer of the Modern Age couldn't bring himself to kill his best friend

Satoru would stay in his old classroom alone for the rest of the night, on the other side of Japan Geto was staying alone in his room as well feeling the bittersweet aftermath of seeing his best friend again

The following day, all the graduated sorcerers present at Geto's announcement were in a meeting with the addition of Atsuya Kusakabe

Ijichi was at the head of the room taking point on the meeting to educate anyone who wasn't aware of who Suguru Geto was using a projector of images they had of Geto in the present as well as from 10 years ago when he was banished

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