Deadly Queen

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10 years ago
Gojo clan estate

Geto and (y/n) were standing out in the back yard of the estate in the pouring rain

Geto was standing under an umbrella in front of her junior while (y/n) was getting soaked in the rain

(Y/n) has his fists clenched and was clearly straining, his infinity became visible as the rain started running off it but there were obvious large holes that funneled the water onto the young sorcerer

Sudden a small shockwave emanated from the infinity as it was dispelled and (y/n) dropped like a rock to the ground

Geto:...alright that's enough for now.

A few minutes later they were both sitting under the awning, Geto had his legs draped over onto the grass while (y/n) was siting behind him with his legs tucked up to his chest

Geto:your infinity nearly lasted a whole seven seconds that time. You should be happy with your progress so far.

He looked over his shoulder at (y/n) who had a towel covering his soaking wet hair, he was clearly sulking

Geto:there's no need to get upset over a small setback, it's just one stone on the long road to becoming a jujutsu sorcerer.

(Y/n) wrapped his arms around his legs and held them closer to his chest

(Y/n):...what's the point? I'm never gonna be as good as Satoru...I should just give up at this point...

Geto sighed as he turned around to face (y/n) as he crossed his legs

Geto:maybe you're right, you won't surpass Satoru.

(Y/n)'s face sunk deeper into his knees when Geto chopped his head in a scolding manner which made the young sorcerer look up

(Y/n):why'd you do that?

Geto:of course you won't surpass Satoru, not when you can't even believe in yourself.

(Y/n):...your motivational speech's aren't helping, big brother...

Geto chopped his head again as (y/n) snapped his head up revealing his right eye was bloodshot


Geto held up his index finger

Geto:you might not think you've made any progress and that it's pointless. But a butterfly doesn't see its own wings, only the people around it can see how far it's come from being just a caterpillar. In the same way a mere sapling grows into a towering tree, you can grow as well. So stop doubting your own abilities and trust the process.

He pointed at (y/n)

Geto:so stop thinking about how everyone is ahead of you today and focus on that fact of you being ahead of where you were yesterday.

Present day
Jujutsu high, Tokyo

A small swarm of flyhead's landed on (y/n)'s body and started nipping at patches of exposed muscle and skin

Geto:No matter where or when in your life, if you ever doubt yourself just know that I support you fully.

Up on school grounds, Geto cleared the top of the ruined steps as he wiped the blood from his upper lip using his sleeve

At the field further into the school, Maki slammed one of the benches and reduced it to splinters as she continued sliding back another few meters as she threw her spear in the direction she was heading

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