Between Front and Back

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Jujutsu high, Tokyo


Geto:*this is the worst possible scenario, fighting two special grades at once with Rika seemingly under full control, this will be troublesome.*

Yuta looked at (y/n) out of the corner of his eye with a great deal of concern

Yuta:are you...gonna be alright?

(Y/n) grinned as he pressed the bottom side of his fist against Yuta's chest

(Y/n):We got this, we're war buddies now. So what do you say...

He removed his fist from Yuta's chest and starting cracking his knuckles

(Y/n):to some easy payback?

Yuta continued looking concerned for a moment but smirked as he relaxed

Yuta:*(Y/n)'s acting a little weird but it's good to see he's still himself.*

Yuta:Yeah, let's go...Buddy.

Geto smirked seeing their disgusted animosity

Geto:it's there first time your experiencing violent emotions to this degree as cursed energy fills your bodies, isn't it? The heightening of physical prowess, your senses sharpen to that of a pristine blade. It seems the riffraff I keep stored away will no longer be a match for even one of you. Mankind stands at the top of the foodchain, so I'll have to crush you both myself, but with that in mind, why do humans who exist at the top create the belief of higher powers like god? Especially when people like jujutsu sorcerers exist without belief?

(Y/n) started posing dramatically with his crazed grin as Yuta became deadly serious as he readied his sword

Yuta:just follow our lead, Rika.

(Y/n):I guess it's true, you can't feel the heat till you're holding yourself over the flame.

His right hand flashed blue

(Y/n):you gotta cross the line to remember where it lays and you won't know your worth till you take the hit.

Yuta adjusted his right foot back by a hair as Geto tightened his grip on playful cloud


Both (y/n) and Yuta lunged for Geto at breakneck speed with (y/n) on the right and Yuta on the left as (y/n) got ahead of Yuta with his superior speed as Yuta passed behind (y/n)'s larger build to hide

Geto swung playful cloud from the left as (y/n) ducked under it and Yuta leapt over both (y/n) and Geto, landing behind the two sorcerers as (y/n) threw a right low punch to Geto's stomach which landed as Yuta swung his sword straight down cutting open Geto's backside as Rika flew over them all and linked her hands together

Both students leapt back as Rika hammer fisted Geto into the ground and created a large pit as Geto was slammed onto his backside and (y/n) lunged back in and slammed his right foot into Geto's ribs as he kicked Geto like a soccer ball towards Yuta

Yuta pivoted on his left foot and turned away from Geto as he thrust his leg backwards into the rogue sorcerer's face as (y/n) ran towards the two and Yuta's blow threw Geto towards (y/n) who grabbed him by the back of the head as (y/n) spun around and slammed Geto into the ground again as the stone tiles beneath them shattered

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