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Jujutsu high, Tokyo

The bus departed for the Kyoto exchange event with four of the Tokyo schools students on board

Sitting towards the front was Yuta who still wasn't much of a social butterfly and found Kirara and Hakari intimidating due to their delinquent appearances

Sitting roughly at the center of the bus was (y/n) who was talking with the two second years who were sat at the far back end of the vehicle, Kirara was clutching onto Hakari's arm while for much larger man seeming to zone out

Yuta:*those two look too close to be just friends like (y/n) said...*

(Y/n) stood up and walked down the isle and sat in the row behind Yuta

(Y/n):alrighty Yuta, hope you brought your wallet. We're gonna make a friendly little wager with the Kyoto students, if we win the first event in less then twenty minutes then we'll win the bet.

Yuta began sweating nervously

Yuta:aren't we a bit young to be placing bets...?

(Y/n):oh come on, where's your sense of adventure.

Hakari tilted his head forward and stuck his fingers in his mouth as he cracked them like a whistle catching their attention

Kirara:hmm? What's wrong Kin?

Hakari:gambling's only fun when lucks tested. It's boring to know the outcome of a gamble before it even happens.

He leaned his head back against his seat

Yuta leaned over to (y/n) to whisper in his ear

Yuta:is he okay?

(Y/n) leaned in as well

(Y/n):just let him rediscover his passion, nothing gets Hakari fired up like working around other jujutsu sorcerers. So he's been pretty mellowed out the past few weeks without many strong curses to take out. This'll be perfect to get him running hot again and when he's like that he becomes a real monster.

Yuta looked even more confused by the weird way (y/n) had chosen to word it

Yuta:so...are they both strong?

(Y/n) glanced at the two second years, Kirara was poking at Hakari's cheek but they weren't getting much of a reaction from him

(Y/n):Kirara can be troublesome under some circumstances. Hakari on the other hand, when he gets on a roll he can keep up with even me.

That statement made Yuta perk up, he'd rarely heard (y/n) directly say someone was on his level

Yuta:so who's stronger, him or you?

(Y/n) leaned back in his seat as he adjusted his glasses as Kirara peaked above (y/n)'s seat from behind

Kirara:last time Kin and Gogo fought, Gogo forfeited after nearly half an hour.


Yuta covered his mouth as he tried not to laugh to himself

(Y/n) pointed up at her as Kirara took off his glasses and put them on their own face

(Y/n):only an idiot would go around picking fights with someone tough like Hakari.

Yuta chuckled awkwardly as Kirara ran back over to Hakari and jumped into his lap

Yuta:he's...really that strong?

(Y/n):We've got a little saying about one on one fights involving him, and that's to place your bets on him.

Jujutsu Kaisen x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now