Victory cost's

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Jujutsu high, Tokyo

Yuta was sent flying towards one of the towering structures towards the dorms of the school grounds

Geto appeared in the air above him as Rika manifested behind Yuta who was ready with his sword in hand, any semblance of the scared child he once was had vanished

A rift opened behind Geto as his Rainbow Dragon soared out as Rika pulled Yuta against her chest to defend him as the curse spirit slammed into Rika and the two crashed into a tower

Geto:*with blue's range being more than able to cover the entire area of my barrier, I can't tire him out with small curses like I originally wanted to. My dragon is nearly destroyed after all this fighting so it won't be stopping many more heavy hitting attacks anymore.*

The rainbow dragon flew unde Geto's feet as it once again launched itself towards Yuta and Rika who were stuck in a cloud of dust kicked up front their impact

As the rainbow dragon closed in on them the cloud was blown away by Rika and Yuta was gone

A pair of shutter doors manifested on either side of Geto and slammed shut trapping him

Geto:*what? Where'd these doors come from?!*

As the rainbow dragon continued flying forward off its momentum as Rika pulled back her right fist and threw a right haymaker sending the rainbow dragon crashing into the ground

Yuta:Rika! Give it to me!

Geto looked up and saw Yuta falling towards him as cursed energy around Yuta's left hand manifested into a loudspeaker, it had a drawing of inumaki's innate technique on the side of it

Geto:*snake eyes and fangs? Those are...the cursed seals of the Inumaki clan!*

Yuta put the speaker to his mouth

Yuta:Blast away!

Under the order of cursed speech, Geto was sent crashing to the ground as he slammed into a stone walkway and continued sliding back until he slammed into another wall

As Yuta started to fall Rika flew forward and caught him in her large right hand

Yuta:good job Rika, bring them out quickly.

Rika nodded and flew them back towards the tower as Yuta dropped onto the deck and a large black sphere of cursed energy manifested in Rika palm

The sphere burst as Mika, Inumaki and panda dropped out of it still gravely injured

Yuta:*they're all really wounded...especially maki, she's lost so much blood.*

He held out both his hands as the loudspeaker vanished and a dome of cursed energy came down around his classmates

Yuta:don't worry, I won't let any of you die.

Once fully engulfed, all his classmates started looking much more at ease, maki started getting her complexion back and inumaki's breathing became more steady, he'd not only acquired the ability to use reverse cursed technique, but the ability to use it to heal others as well, a feat only possessed by Shoko

Rika suddenly lunged forward and ripped maki out of Yuta's technique and flew away a few meters and began shaking her unconscious body with fury


Yuka slowly stood up, behind his eyes was a burning rage that he'd never felt before seeing Rika mistreat maki especially when she was hurt

Yuta:what're you doing Rika?!

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