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Ijichi was standing on a street corner with his phone to his ear, he looked distressed despite it being late in the afternoon with no curses in sight

Ijichi:*they aren't answering their phones! Did the curse somehow get them?!*

Male voice:Yo!

He turned to his left and saw (y/n), Yuta and maki all walking down the sidewalk towards him

Ijichi:*thank goodness!*

A wave of relief washed over him as he assumed his professional mannerisms

Ijichi:I'm glad to see everyone's safe, I was beginning to worry. I didn't expect a curse to give you all such trouble.

All the jujutsu sorcerers in front of him began looking amongst each other confused

Ijichi:the cursed spirit...that you were meant to exorcise.

(Y/n):oh that one, yeah that took like five minutes.


He nearly lost balance from the shock of the statement

Ijichi:but last we spoke was nearly three hours what...?

Yuta:(y/n) took us all to see a movie. Maybe we should come back here again sometime again.

Internally Ijichi was at a total loss for words

(Y/n):yeah it was this new screening for the seventh installment of the Super Scary movie series but it was a total snooze fest.

Yuta started nervously pressing his index fingers together

Yuta:yo-you both say that but...I thought it was pretty scary.

Maki sighed in response to Yuta

Maki:it was more like a bad sitcom, there was no reason to treat it like proper horror.

(Y/n) gasped dramatically

(Y/n):I know what we should do!

He began posing dramatically in the center of the sidewalk which earned the stares of the scares amount of people passing by

(Y/n):binge movie night!

His comrades weren't very phased and had a deadpan stare across their faces

Maki:stop acting weird in public.

A pouting expression crossed (y/n)'s face as he pointed at maki

(Y/n):sounds like someone's a bit chicken.

Maki pinched the backside of his upper arm and twisted

(Y/n):Ow Ow Ow! Jeez that really stings y'know!

Later that same day, in the main classroom the three students found themselves in principal Yaga's presence, all the students were on their knees sheepishly due to how hot headed the principal was

Yaga:whose bright idea was it to ditch your assistant supervisor and then go off to start slacking?

Maki scoffed and pointed at (y/n) with her thumb and Yuta chuckled awkwardly not denying her accusation

(Y/n) slammed his hands on the floor with all the intensity of an ace attorney


Yaga:so it was you then, Gojo.

He slammed his fist onto (y/n)'s head as he fell back, clearly dazed and seeing stars

Yaga:you cause the same deal of trouble as satoru did back when I was still just a teacher.

Jujutsu Kaisen x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now