Untitled Part 13

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Lin was there sitting in front of the ferry, her mind was playing the all scene again and again. Her breath was arch and her all body was shaking.

The beginning of the afternoon:

Lin had arrived at the Air Temple Island, instead of being greated by her boyfriend it his sister who came. "Hi Lin,Tenzin haven't arrive yet,you can stay with me" The older girl said with enthousiasm. The earthbender wasn't sure, Tenzin was suppose to be here already and usually when he was late it was for days. "Yea sure,but not for long" She answered with embarrassement.

They both went to Kya's room,Lin sat on the girl bed waiting for her to join. "I have chips,water,fruit juice and candy, you want something Linny ?" Kya's turned to her "Hm yea can I have some juice ?" Lin didn't like nickname,except when it was close poeple. Kya's bring some juice for the younger girl and put a pack of chips on her night stand. "Here for you princess" she said with a smile above her lips. "Hum,yea thank you Kya" Lin heard the waterbender giggles "How was your travel ?" Lin sip some of the juice as Kya sat beside her. "Oh it was,amazing, I met a lot of people and i saw so many things" the waterbender jumped a bit and got closer to her friend "Linny you should have come with me,the world all around us is so uncredible,there was this plain,with so beautiful flowers,your favorite actually and a giant lake,it felt like paradise, I wish i would show you every angle of my travel !" Kya was so enthousiastic about that travel "Happy to see you enjoyed yourself then" Lin looked down her glass and put it aside on the night stand next to the chips "I wrote to you" Lin confessed "Really ? I received none of your letter ?" both was looking at each other "Yes I know,I didn't had the guts to send them,Im not good with words" Kya put a recomforting hand on her friends shoulder "I know,it fine,I wanted to apologize for the way I leaved. I needed space and air, I heard about what your sister did and I felt so bad to not be able to be here for you." Kya wanted to hug her friend,she knew that Lin never had a lot of friends,she also knew that Toph didn't trully punished Su,that Su haven't apologized yet,also that her own mother had take Su side,meaning that Tenzin had probably followed her. She knew that her dear friends had probably felt alone and betrayed by her sudden travel. "I should have been here for you,im so sorry"

Lin hugged her all of a sudden,Kya wasn't use to Lin being soft,not physically. At the girl touch she felt a blush "It wasn't your fault Kya. I'm so happy you came back" They stayed like this for a moment. None of them speak as the hug got tighter. "Lin stay for the night ?" the hippie asked "Yes,we could do a girl night then" they laughed. The hours passed as they both catched up the old time,Lin telling her about the academy,Kya talking about the all world. They end up laying beside each other on the bed really close as the tiredness take them "you know Lin I really missed you" Lin giggled "don't say this,it probably not true" the girl never knew how to takes a compliment "It true, I was surprised by how much your sarcastic ass missed me" they looked at each other "It was like hell to not hear your voice and a torture to look for you even at the south pole" Lin blushed "I wanted you around me Linny" Kya took the girl chin in her hands and place a gentle kiss on her lips,slow and comfy, with the time pass the kiss got hit up,their hands lacing together and their cheekes blushing with the same entensity. Kya's travelled her hands on her friends body.

But reality was rude,life couldn't let people live their dreams without a hint of cruelity and consequences. "Kya ! Lin !" This voices could have been anyone but it had to be her mother,her mother with this high pitch voices,the sound of shock,disapoitment and punishment coming. "What is this ! Seriously ?" Katara voices was echoing into the room,aggressively and ready to end whatever that was. "Mom I can explain" Kya said looking at Lin,on the other hand's Lin was panicked. The second passed and the silence was filling the room making the tension grow up. Lin couldn't handle more of this she just ran into the door not looking back at her,she would have take all the responsability if she was at her home, but in front of Katara she had no clue of what to say or do. She hoped that Kya would have follow her. After running faster than she ever did,she stayed here with all her feelings,panick and disappointed by how this all things turned out. How would she comes back here,for Tenzin or Kya, she wanted to go back right now and with her impulsivity she did. In front of Kya's window she could hear the older crying,she knocked gently and opened the window "Hi,can enter ?" she whispered hoping Katara was far away by now. "Yes come here" The waterbender answered back as Lin enter and lie beside her "I'm sorry for how I left,what happened ?" she got no answer "I'm so sorry Kya i panicked,do you want me to stay here ? I'm not sure what to do Kya, she will say everything to Tenzin and I will never be able to see you for sure,i'm sorry i,I shouldn't have done that sorry..I think i'm gonna go" getting up she felt a hand stop her "stop with the talking Beifong you are bad at that,she will tell him yes, and yes Tenzin will probably be very very mad,but I want to stay with you" Lin looked at the girl blankly who was red and had puffy eyes. "I,yes I stay here don't worry" the younger girl wrapped her arms around her lovers without thinking about the morning the bad side.

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