I will never forget

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The Chief of the police was in her office, doing late nights paperwork when a knock interrupted her writing. She metal bend the door to open it and looked up. " Hi Lin, you look lovely as always" Tenzin said as she rolled her eyes "What do you want Tenzin ?". He approached the table and looked at her " I was there to ask you how are you ? Some people asked me about you they are very worried Lin", the old AirBender wasn't mad but his tone was stern, she knew that she couldn't make him go home without taking. "I'm just doing my job Tenzin" she kept writing and didn't even looked at him. "Spirit, we got some awfull years with all Amon than the red lotus, Vaatu and now Kuvira. And Lin you got hurt really bad and never stopped helping Republic City. It your time to take a break, to stop caring about the world but care about you !" She scoffed "Isn't you who cared so much about the world that you broke up with me to get some baby ? Isn't you who gave ur life to do what your father couldn't ? Isn't you who gave more yourself to the avatar to save the world instead of caring about yourself ?" Lin was angry, she didn't even know she was so mad at Tenzin. "My choice doesn't change yours, it time for you to take a real break. Kya and Bumi are back what about you stay with us for a while ? Maybe we could travel ? Mako or Saikhan could take care of the Republic City !" Tenzin would not stop and she knew it, she knew how studdborn he could be just like his mother. "I'll think about it, but I do not promise anything" She finally look at him. "Now take a break, i'll walk you home" He closed the files she had in front of her "Don't ever do that again, but give me a second". The metal bender took some paper placing them in a counter, she placed some pen in a box and put some water on plants that was in front of her window. "Ready to leave !" She said and they went outside.

"You let your stupid bison here ?" She asked him with a smile. " Yes you don't live too far away we can walk ? Except if you got your car ?" He look down at her then around to see if her car was here. "No I didn't take it today, you are lucky" She smiled gently.  They started walking in the dark, to her surprise it wasn't that awkward as they started talking about when they were younger. "Come on you was always a softy around my sister !" She chuckled at this stupid comment " She was lovely to me, and never judge me. And come on wasnt I nice to you in private ?" she punched him "True I used to prefer you in private, I remember that ! My dad always saw through that rough armor you had, he was always saying "She's as funny as her mother, but she's more a softy and sentimental than her !" and my mom always disagree saying you was worst than Toph !" He looked down at her as she was some inch smaller "Proud that Katara thought I could beat my mother at the " who have the most bitterness attitude", It depend on the day and the person i guess" She rolled her eyes "It was just funny to see you loose all your confidence because I wasn't so soft with you ! Pretty sure that what attracted you, the stern attitude, you like woman in control" She teased him, just like when they were younger, just no flirt was present. They always kept having this bouncing and connection even if Lin tried to break it as soon as he got with Pema. "Yes, this was making your charme, still do, still so charming" Tenzin look up as they arrived at Lin apartment "Stop praising me, it unusual for me to get that sort of compliment" she rolled her eyes "Continue to roll ur eyes and they'll stay up !" They laughed so hardly that they both turned red. " Have a great night Lin, I'll call you to know if you take your break or no." He waved at her "Ill answer, have a great night too".

She saw him leave and get more in the dark, and she started going in her appartement. Lin took off her armor, went to shower and shove into bed. When she lay on her bed she thought about Tenzin, how it was so easy to be herself with him, how she wanted to avoid this after how he hurt her, that when she got a flash.

Lin was already in his room, she used to come to the Air temple and just wait for Tenzin to come back. Today wasn't making any exception. Lin was there bored as she read one of the book her boyfriends had about the Monks. "Hey you're already there ?" The airbender appeared, closing the door as he stepped in the room. "Katara said 3 inches, minimum" She smiled at him "I know but only dad is here for now" The young bender jumped lighting on the bed, using airbending. She loved how different they could be, he was so light compare to her, she was the strong one, instinctive, silent and just take things as they come. On the other hand Tenzin was really soft, strategically, really talktative too much if it was for talking about airbender stuff, and he liked to push the karma. Yet they complete and help each other to be better. Sometimes they even switch personality in private, Lin talked more and was a little golden crazy retriever in front of him, and he was more calm and just listen to her for hour. They always talked about how perfect their relationship was and how they could never separate. But when Tenzin didn't start any conversation Lin sense already something, something was off. "How was the day ? Kya told me you was with some stupids acolytes, that your dad out you on duty to show them around" Lin said looking at him, leaving the book. "It was great, Pema help me" Tenzin grew a smile. Pema she heard this name a bit too much in the week, Lin wasn't the jealous type, she believed in Tenzin and how he couldn't go to another girl. She always said that if one day it happen then he didn't deserved or loved her enough. "Why is this Pema girl all around you ? She don't have other things to do ? Like learning about Monks ?" She laugh but stopped as Tenzin sigh "Lin, I just can't do this, I love you and respect you very much, but I think we grew too much apart. I want kids and you don't, I need you to be more present but you love your works. I have to care about the Airbender future, it wasn't fair of me to think you would change or to make you think that i'll change." He said and looked at her, she couldn't see him her eyes was full of tears "And I met someone, we didn't do anything. But she believe that we are soulmates, and to be honest I kinda think the same." He tried to reach for her hand "Is it Pema ?" she asked angry, but no answer came off. After that everythings went fast, Lin remember getting mad, destroying the Temple as she looked for the Pema girl, Tenzin chasing her and begging her to stop. She remembered of Kya gaze that warmed her up, The Avatar yelling at his son and Pema for making me feel that way and Bumi teasing them behind. How she excused herself to the Avatar and how he took her in his arms, he didn't talk, she didn't either they just hug as she cried. She remembered leaving ashamed, broken, and how Kya had follow her and stayed with her for weeks before leaving for traveling, following by Bumi and then Suying.

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