Lin and Kya

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Lin was training, she was a very taught little girl. Her mother always told her "If you continue that way, i'll learn you how to beat the avatar" this was making the young girl very exited. So to make her mom proud she never skipped sparring day and training. Kya passed by seeing the younger Beifong all alone "What's up Lin ? Where is your boyyyyyfriend ?" Kya let out a chuckles as Lin send her a glare "He is not my boyfriend !". She got close to the waterbender "For now...anyway want to get a drink inside ?" Lin nodded with no hesitation "I've been training for two hard hour, I need a refresh". The two girl went inside, Katara was sitting drinking a tea. "Girls everything is okay ?" She looked up at her daughter who seem to blush. "Yes mom, Lin need a drink !" Lin smiled, she loved Katara but small talk wasn't for her. "Here some fresh and cold water" Kya passed behind Lin who was sitting in front of Katara, her hand slowly sliding on Lin shouder, she sat with them.

Kya started a conversation about training and school with Lin, both of them was laughing, making jokes, relating to each other. Katara watched them carefully, she never saw Lin being so happy, neither her daughter making that much nice jokes, Kya was usually more of a teaser. But here everything change as Lin came around. After a while Lin excused herself that she should be home. "Lin you should stay the night with us, it been a while since you did a sleep over !" Kya glared at her mother with a "what are doing" gaze. The earthbender smiled and excuse herself to call the Chief. "Why did you ask her that ?" The young bender said silently but embarassed "Lin is a nice girl Kya, but be careful I know you !" Katara simped on her drink as her daughter left with a sight.

Kya joined Lin in salon, "You didnt had to say yes" her voices was confident and harsher than she had planned. "I just like being here, you know Su is always with thoses stupids triad boys. Mom is too busy with work, so am I... We don't have a great bouncing like you with Tenzin, or with Katara. Here I just feel like I belong to something, somebody..." Lin looked down as she said all this. The water bender knew she never spoke her feelings outloud, she immediately regret her comment. "Sorry, for you know... Let instal you in my room and look for some clothes." She said a bit more cheerfully. Both girl went to the room. Kya room was full of the sunlight, she had beige curtains, almost transparent. The room was full of object from her travel, a lot of different crystals and stones, pics of her with friends and family, her bed was still messy, many bags was around and also a big stack of books.

" Come here, let look for an outfit for you to sleep and one for tomorrow" She smiled and her younger friends " I hope something gonna fit you, i'm taller... for sleeping that wont be a problem but i'm scared nothing fit you for the day" Kya looked into her closer putting close on the floor. Lin sat on the bed as she sees her friends throwing more and more close on the floor. "Okay this will be perfect for tonight ! But tell me if you like this for tomorrow ?" Kya put out a white t shirt, and a black jogging. " Hey you know my taste" Lin said smiling at Kya "it perfect thank you ! Let me help you with thoses" Both of them put the other clothes back. Both of them sat on the bed, talking about usually stuff. When girls talk get more intresting Lin ask to Kya a sudden question " Who the girl on the pics with you right there ?" She pointed a picture of Kya and a white girl, grey eyes a bit green, semi long hair, also brown with one blond pieces, tall and from fire nation. "It my girlfriend, ex girlfriend actually..." Kya wait a bit expecting Lin to reject that part of her "If it your ex then she don't deserve you, care to tell me why she leaved ?" Lin started laying down as Kya stayed sit.

"I told her we better stay friends, because i felt like my heart belong to someone else" Lin raised an eyebrow "continue ?" Kya chuckled "I'm not giving any names... But i fell for a girl, I think I always loved her, but with time my loved for her changed from friendly to more" Lin nodded at her "then I hope you will get her heart back" Kya chuckled at her silly comment. "If spirit want !"

Time passed, and after that day everything went pretty fast, but they spirits never been good to Kya. Lin got with Tenzin, she focused on work so when she came to the temple she stayed with Tenzin. Kya felt her first heartbreaking... the dear lady lover who used to dumped people got her heartbreak by someone she didn't even kissed. She felt so pathetic, Bumi teased her about it which make thinsg even worst. She focus on herself by getting her driver licences, a work to get some money. But she was never happy there. Two years after Bumi went away for his military stuffs. She was all alone, she mastered her healing with her mom, learn some moves in case she had to fight but nothing too extravagant. And there she started traveling, first to the fire nation seeing her dear friends Izumi and the Fire lord Zuko, she also passed some great time with her exs but only as friends. She got sometimes at the Kyoshi Island with uncle Sokka and aunt Suki as they was there for vacation, of course she went to Omashi and Ba sing se. Then she explored some air temple. She did a little stop to the North water tribes, as she thought she could get some more vacation... Her dad died and she had to take care of Jatara. She never minded but her mom always remind her of how she never stopped traveling, how much they missed her, how much she never stayed visiting them for more than a week. She always answered "come on i stayed 3months once lot twice" but her mother was always ending up with "Bur when will you set up with someone".

Here she was 45 with no kids, no wife, and a mother to care about. She had no hope of settling, because she always pushed people away. She was scared and couldn't trust anyone but at least she was funny.

But then one day the hope came back as she got a letter.

Dear Kya,
I will pass to the North water tribe in some weeks, It been so long that we haven't seen each other ! I wanted to inform you that i want to bring you to diner, I don't if there y'all have restaurants but if they don't I will just make us some food. I miss you.


Kya smiled, Lin delivered a letter ? To her ! She knew by her stupid brother that Lin was now a bitter woman, harsh and never speak to anyone if it wasn't necessary. But in this letter she looked so lovely...


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