Marry me ?

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"Lin it sooooo beautiful" Kya said looking at her with eyes full of admiration. "I don't know Kya im not sure..." Lin put her head down. "She will love it, where did you get a ring that amazing ?" Lin blushed, she had to travel until Zaofu to find someone that could do a perfect job with platinum. "Zaofu" Lin said with a stern voice. Kya jumped everywhere amazed by how soft her friends turned, she never saw the earthbender so soft, except when their where younger and she was taking care of Lin. She just never had seen Lin being soft to someone else, to be honest she was genuinely happy for both of you. Her sweet spot for the younger girl made her admirative in front of her determination. "It just sooooo amazing" Kya had the ring in her hands.

Out of nowhere the door opened, Kya turned around as she saw you she hide the ring "Hi Kya, are you both ready to go out ?" y/n asked as she smiled at the two girls. "Just a minute for me, but Lin is definitely ready !" Kya smiled and Lin got up to follow you. Letting a hard breath leaving her throat Kya took the box that Lin left on her bed, putting the ring back in it and hidding it in her night stand. Kya joined y'all downstairs "I'm ready to leave ladies !" the fire bender smiled at her older friends attitude "You know Kya, if you use all your energy right now, later we wont have that much fun" Kya run hugging you "Dear Y/n don't you know my energy is infinite ?" they both laugh together as Lin follow them.

The three of them walk around the city, Y/n and Kya had too many bag so Lin end up carrying it for them. "Okay girl isn't it enough ?" Lin faked a smile. "Yes of course, let go eat !" Y/n proposed as she leaved a light kiss on her girlfriend shoulder. Lin sigh and walk until the restaurant. "To your pleasure Kya we picked a water tribe restaurant !" You smiled at her, both of you walk exited to a table and look at the menue. All of you order different food, as always you end up taking Lin dish because it was better than yours. You saw her all energy fading a bit, so when Kya excuse herself to go to the bathroom you took your chance. "I'm sorry we made you carrying everything, I can take some bag for when we drop her ! You know you are amazing." You lean to kiss her but she stopped you in the track "Not here and you know it please." you rolled your eyes "Are ashamed of me ?" Lin sigh and look at you "We aren't married yet, you know how people are nowadays...and look at the restaurant" her voice was deep and took you by surprise "yea like it was my fault if we aren't married yet, anytime I bring the topics you avoided it, I'm pretty sure Kya would have marry me when we were younger" Lin eyes was now open by your words. As you said that Kya appeared "perfect timing, Kya you would have marry me when we was dating ?" You dared to ask, and Kya started feeling uncomfortable "I...Yes we already talked about it...I would have yea" Kya you knew that she had already confess to you, she had already shared the fact that, she would have and was about to marry you, when you were younger. So right now if she had say no, you would have kill her. "YOU TWO DATED ?" Lin said eyebrows raised "Yes...I never told you about it ?" You looked down "in fact i did, I just never mentioned it was Kya..." Lik remembered now...

"What about your best love experiences ? You know I had Tenzin... and then the two other guy were, how to say that..useless ?" Lin laugh a bit at her own sentence. "I think it when I was much younger, you know i had my travelling phase, there I found a girl. We knew each other for decade but I never dared to share my feelings in early days. Maybe i wasn't ready... But when I met her back at the fire nation, we started traveling together. AND SPIRIT THAT WAS SOMETHING" You said looking at her, she felt a bit jealous but you calm her down "It was great cause we matched a lot, but it nothing compare to you and I. Me and her was much a great adventure that would never be serious. She would have marry me tho, cause we loved each other deeply, but our loved grow to another kind of love, a friendship" Lin was still doubtful facing that you had felt deep things for another girl "friendship ? But she saw you naked !" you laugh at that sentence "I would never be able to be only friends, after having the privilege to taste that body of yours." Lin hug you "What we have is deeper or just different" you smiled and kiss her "deeper and different, I believe that you are my soulmate. I'm not lying you can use your bending to test me." She hug you and whispered "I trust you"

"Kya was the travelling girl ?" you nodded and Lin got up and leave. You didn't find her anywhere until she cames back at 11pm. "Lin I was worried sick ! I thought you left m or something ! I'm so sorry, I should have tell you that the girl was Kya, but I was scared that you hate her or me...I love you and here" You took off a box from your pocket "If you don't marry me I don't care, because I could marry you, I would, I want, I need to. Lin Beinfong as amazing as you are, would you marry me ?" A ring with an earthbender logo was shining. "Made with gold, I made miss Sato to do it as I was looking for you..." Lin leaned down and hug you "I want to Y/n, I'm sorry if i left i was so mad because" She took off a box out of her pocket "I was about to ask you, Do you want to be my wife ? and you talked about Kya, and yet I felt like she was perfect and so cool, like she would have marry you right away, but me I needed to wait the perfect moment. My long walk made me realised, anytime is the perfect moment, as long as I get you to be my wife" her ring shined brighter than yours, a tiny L was on impressed on it.

Both of you kissed and wear the rings, finally happy "So who takes who's name ?" Lin smiled and say "Yoj will take my name, Y/n Beinfong sound sooooo badass !"

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