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Kya was looking at the sea when she felt some warm hands around her hips, then a chin on her shoulder.
" Honey, are you happy to be here ?" the female voice whispered to her ears. "Yes I am, your family were lovely with me, we have one of the best views." Kya answered turning around . "What do you think of my parents ?" Kya played with her girlfriends hair. "I'm surprise that a fire bender and a earth bender work out together, look how much your dad is focus on his work and ready to achieve any of his goal, and how your mother is studdborn ! But you got the best of both of them." Oma laughed at her girlfriend explanation "they like you, they asked us to stay a little bit more" Kya looked up and smiled "Then we will"

Oma take Kay hands and lead her to their bed, the water bender put her head on her girlfriend laps. "Droplet tell me what's wrong ?" She said playing in the dark skin girl hair. "Do you think my family will like you ?" Oma chuckled "Only you can give me an answer, and if you mean your all family counting, the fire Lord, Toph, Sokka and their kids, im pretty sure some wont like me." She continue playing in the girl hair " But you still not telling me what bothering you" Kya hugged her "Okay let sleep" Oma knew better, if after trying twice Kya was still mouthed close then it mean she was still thinking, the best she could do was to let the girl open whenever she was ready.

The sunrise was just starting when Kya woke up, her beautiful girlfriend was still asleep. She went out to smoke a cigarette, she was sit on a chair watching the sun rising above the sea. All she could think about was Lin, this girl had obsessed her mind, first as a friend, then be cause she fell for the girl, now because she had move on. Somehow Lin was still in her mind, she received no letter from her old friend. She got a letter from everyone, her all family inclued Bumi who was in his training and Uncle Sokka, Izumi and Zuko did send letter and gift, asking her to come to the fire nation soon for the festival, even Toph had send her a letter. But Lin in the other hand never send anything, this made Kya having a knot in her chest she hated having argument or problem with friends, of course she send a letter last week but still no answer, what if she leave and then Lin send her a letter.

Kya with her mind full of question finished that cigarette and went to take a shower. Oma woke up and brushed her teeth. Then Kya finish to get ready as they had to go out. It was by now 10 am. "Ready Shuuuuuu ?" Kya said chuckling " Stop calling me that ! It not even a girl name" Oma rolled her eyes as she take her purse. Both of them walked together as Kya took her girlfriend hand in her own "Babe as much as I love you, not here" Kya nodded understanding, even if soma's parent accepter the couple, not the all world do. They enter in a shop "Oh god this would be perfect for your mom" Oma pointed a little blue and white bracelet "Yes she will love it" Kya looked around, when her attention was away Oma took the bracelet and brought it. They had to do a stop to Amber Island next and everyone will be here. As Oma continue to look Kya appeared "Shu look it a Turtle duck statue, this one si for you" the water bender showed up little object to her girlfriend. "Oh my spirits this is terribly cute, just like you". They continue shopping and decided to eat out.

As they got back home Kya noticed a letter on the table, she looked at it and saw who this is from :

Invitation to my birthday,
Dear Kya im throwing a party for my birthday, at Uncle Zuko palace. You are invited to come ! There will be the all family. I'm sorry i never wrote, your mother gave me update of you every single day. I'm by now officially an officer of the Republic city, I arrested a few friends of you :( be careful with who you hand out !!! I'll beat your ass when you come back. With the hope that everything is good for you. i miss you a lot
                                                               Linny :)

Kya smiled at the letter, she found it goofy somehow amazing. "Who is that from ?" Oma voice echoed in the room "It from Lin she invite me to her birthday, we will have to go tomorrow if we want to be present, do you want to go ? We was supposed to stay here a few day, you can say no." Oma hugged her girlfriend as she read the letter, "She missed you huh ?" Kya let out a small laugh "It fine Kya we can take the road, our next destination was the fire nation anyway ?" She smiled gently "Thank you shuuuuu, let go to diner with your parents for the last time then"

They end up inviting Oma parents and brothers.
It Kya who cooked for them, she did some traditional water tribe food. They all enjoyed the good atmosphere during the diner. "Oh Kya i wished you stay, who will make us those traditional water tribe food ?" Oma mother said, everyone died from laugh. "I learned to Chin some tips, he will cook for y'all" Kya winked at the younger boy "Yes mom i'll cook for you don't worry, and this time i wont burn anything" He smiled proudly. They continued to eat and discussed, at the end of the diner Kya was a bit tipsy due to all the wine she took. "Thank you a lot Mingli, it was so nice to meet you and for sure we both will come back" Kya hug her girlfriend mother "Oh Kya you are a lovely girl, I hope we will see you soon ! Take care of our girl". After saying goodbye, Oma and Kya went to take a shower together and then slip into the bed. "Droplet come here" The firebender said, Kya got on the top of her, Oma hands slides around the beautiful blue eyed girl, they started kissing slowly. "You know how much i love thoses lips" the dark skin whispered " I figured it out yes, but you'll have to let them away, we take the boat early tomorrow" As soon as she fall beside her girlfriend, her eyes closed and she drifted to sleep. "Oh Droplet, if you knew how much i like you"

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