Beyond Comprehension (Mercedes Knight)

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"Thanks for inviting us, Spidey!" She celebrated, her body relaxing as she just stared at the beautiful night sky. After the whole Beyond Corporation fiasco, Spider-Man had invited Colleen and herself to a night out. The two had immediately accepted the invitation, with it being a way to relax and forget about all the problems that had been happening recently. Unfortunately, Collen could not make it to the night out. Her fellow Daughter of the Dragon had forgotten that she had promised to help mentor the new kid that had become the latest holder of the mantle of the Iron Fist. "Though Collen couldn't make it because she is teaching the kid from the Agents of Atlas"

"The kid that was chosen to be the next Iron Fist, right?" She only gave him a nudge to his shoulder, a slight laugh escaping from her lips as she held onto her beer. She nodded in return, her hand also moving the can of beer towards her dark lips. It had been quite some time since she could actually enjoy a beer with friends or allies, without having to be preoccupied with being attacked out of nowhere. She exhaled with gusto after removing the can from her lips, enjoying quite a bit the refreshing sensation that coursed through her throat.

"Look at you, hotshot! You guessed it in one go" She joked with the arachnid hero next to her, which made him blush slightly. Or at least, that was what she noticed from what was visible of his face. He had his own can of beer, and on the other side laid an empty pizza box that the two had already eaten from. There were even a few empty cans littered around them, with the two heroes just enjoying the relaxing night. It was something she has not done in quite a while, even less with only a male by her side. It was always alongside Colleen, the two of them hardly ever going elsewhere without the other. "Yes, she is training Lin Lie alongside Danny"

It was then that she decided to finish her can, drinking the remaining alcohol. Using her bionic Vibranium arm, she squashed the tin can into a small disk. She tossed it with the others, hearing the tin foil bounce a few times before stopping almost as soon as it started making that noise. She sighed a bit, her eyes growing slightly weary. Apart from not having Colleen by her side, she was actually enjoying her time with the arachnid hero that saved the Daughters of the Dragon, the name she and Colleen used for their duo, from the vampire version of the Lizard. She still shuddered thinking about that atrocity that Beyond had created.

"Hey, Spidey... Can I ask you a question?" She decided to get his attention, her eyes glancing at him. It had been a question that had invaded her mind for a few months now, especially after she remembered that time she had been saved by him from being robbed. It had been years since that happened and even with all the good he has done, all she could ever see was the people around them still hating him for unknown reasons. It bugged her to no end, and it had been something that was now nudging at her to finally answer.

"You already did... But I'll allow you another one" She pushed his shoulder again, the two chuckling slightly. She easily caught the teasing smirk that he held over his uncovered mouth, which only made her roll her eyes at him. She could notice that he was getting relaxed, the tension he held over his shoulders seemingly disappearing. It made her slightly happy knowing that he trusted her enough to relax for a bit when around her. Though she could definitely do without the teasing and the snarky comments, she couldn't say she was not enjoying the moment.

"Why do you continue doing this?" She finally asked her real question, her smirk disappearing completely. She noticed that he, as well, had stopped smirking, his lenses narrowing ever so slightly. She waited for the answer, her eyes looking at the male who was now looking down at the can of beer in his hand. She didn't know what could be on his mind, but it was seemingly very personal. And she knew that she should not intrude on personal matters, no matter if she wanted her answer. "If it is too personal, you can-"

"It's alright, Misty..." She stopped, her eyes looking at the man who had just interrupted her. She even saw just how the male drank what was remaining in the can of beer in seconds. She even ignored the way the tin can impacted the small wall behind them when the arachnid hero threw the can backwards. "What motivates me? You could say it's out of guilt..." She flinched back a bit, slightly understanding why he kept on going. It was definitely not the reason she was expecting, and it definitely was not the one she picked when everything went south the day she lost her arm. "Because of me, someone that I held dear to my heart died because I did not want to listen to his words..."

"And could you share those words?" She whispered slightly, with the hero creating a small smile over his face. She had to admit it, the sincere smile he had on his face was quite alluring. At least it was not like Ben Reilley, who seemingly smiled at everything. At least, before he had been twisted by Beyond Corporation; which still made her quite sick to this day. But ignoring the fraudulent company for now, she continued to carefully stare at the hero in red and blue.

"With great power, there must also come great responsibility..." She smiled a bit further at the words uttered by the hero. Those words dug deeper than what she could have expected, ingraining themselves into her mind. She had to admit that those words were great words to live by. Though, for a slight moment, she also remembered Hank Pym using that same quote when he was teaching the kids in Avengers' Academy. She scoffed a bit, realizing immediately that the supposedly great Hank Pym had plagiarized Spider-Man's quote and way of living. "It was after his death that I truly became Spider-Man... That I truly became a hero... Because I had been given this power, it was my responsibility to use it for good and help those in need"

"Spidey?" She called out, making the hero raise one of his lenses at her. It still dumbfounded her just how the hero had been able to make his mask make all sorts of expressions, but she ignored it for now. She closed the distance between the two, her lips kissing the uncovered part of his cheek. It was dangerously close to his lips, mere centimeters away from them actually. It was her way of teasing him and noticing what could be seen, the hero had a heavy blush underneath his mask. She even found his slight stuttering quite appealing in some way. "Thank you for trusting me..."

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