Chapter 6- never stray to far from the side walk

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Lake wouldn't tell us any of thing about her reading when she came out. I told them about mine on the way home.

"So, the nobles are scared of you because you will end up hurting they mate.' Lake said.

"Whoa! Who said anything about a mate? I just thought she told us who we are most likely to marry." I screamed. There is no way in hell that I will stick to one person forever and doesn't that mean the the person has to love you back? Only, who would like me? I'm not a pretty girl, Im rough and tough. Besides I am glad that I am not pretty because it is what kept me from getting raped.

"Yes, mate. It comes with the powers. You will know who is your mate the moment you see them. I know mine, but he hasn't looked at me so he does not know." Cat explained. Lake sitting there listen for this 'important' news. After Cat stopped talking she started to crack up. She had a laugh that as soon as you hear it you want to laugh along, so that is what I did. Cat's face was turning red.

"Mates are the stupidest idea of the world." Lake said after a while. Cat relaxed glad we weren't laughing at her. I mean it's hard knowing you love someone and they don't know it must be ten times worse once you found your mate but they don't know.


"Are you sure you are okay?" I asked for the tenth million time.

"Yeah don't worry about me. It's just a black eye." Elliot replies back. He is the best mate in the world and I almost lost him. That stupid bitch had to go and give him a black eye. The reader was right she was my doom, but not for long that little slut is going down I thought evilly in my head.

"You should just calm down." Elliot says to me. 

"That bitch had no right to hit you!" I scream back

"No you are wrong. she is the princess we have to make her like us or the common people will have claimed her. Do you really want the kingdom to go upside down? We have already lost one battle with her, that weird girl named Cat is her friend and leading her when you or Jacklin should." He said. I could tell he was pissed. All the nobles feared that the slut would become friends with the norms. That would just be awful the norms getting to have say in OUR government.

"You are right. How the hell was I suppose to know that she is the stupid princess?"

"Because we were sent over to the other kingdom every other month to see what she is like."

"Well, how are we going to get her to our side?"

"That is your job. My job was to protect her, but I think she proved to everyone not to mess with her." He replied back while pointing to his swollen shut eye.  Just she what she did to him and then Mark wanted me to make rip her fucking head off. Well speak of the slut and she will show. I thought as she came up with that stupid girl named Cat, and a new noble. Elliot nodded his head in their area saying 'play nice and hurry up and control her'. Well i would do anything for him so skipped over and tried my best to not puke.

"Hi you are back late." I said while plastering on a smile and hopefully not a smirk. 

"What the hell are you doing here?! Don't you have to go home or at least who ever you sleep with today's home?" Asked the freak.

"Look who is talking do you always need to be surround by people? It makes you look weak and helpless. If you need people to hangout with do it with the right people, like the rest of the nobles." I said back. I so badly wanted to punch her little face into her skull.

"Really? You are going to use choose the right people line? That is just lame. Oh and I found out why you hate me so much. I finally got to see Linda."

"Who the hell is Linda?"

"The reader bitch. This is what I know, I will be your doom and to a lot of the noble girls. Here are two choices for you, I can hurry along and kill your mate now or I will leave you alone for the rest of the week."

"And is this so called mate of mine?" I asked. There was no way she would know within two days of being here right? 

"Elliot. Oh and Mark is Jacklin's." She said with a creepy smile. How in the world is she to know every guy worship me and Jacklin, well those without mates.

"You look surprised. You shouldn't I mean its too easy.  As soon as you yelled at Elliot to hurry up and kill me the other day and Jacklin crying after I choked Mark. I can just as easily choke you or Elliot so you watch where you put that pretty little face of yours." she said. She turns and leads her group of outcasts to her lair.

"I told you to make nice." Elliot says.

"Yeah I know, but she threatened you."

"Look I am fine for right now. As long as I stay out of her range of fire I am good." he said as he pulls me into a huge a hug. I wrap my arms around him. 'What would I do without him.' I thought. Just then everything seemed right. Right then I felt bad for Vamp, being take out of your true home, tossed head first into a unknown world, and worst of all not having a mate to help take care of you,

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