Chapter 16 - Marriage? Sure why not

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I wake up to find myself curled up next to Sean. I look around the room and see the rest of the girls are scattered around the bed or the floor like flies. Sterling and David are slouched on one of the couches. I start to sit up, but Sean's hold around my body tightens. 

"Sean? Sean wake I have to pee." I whisper, hoping that the last sentence will make him wake up.

"You're lying, it might work on the two idoits but not on me." Sean mumbles into the pillow. I growl, mad that he knows me too well. David's eyes shoot open from my growl. He walks over to me quickly to see what is wrong.

'Are you okay?' He asks me in my head.

'Not really. I want to get out of bed, but Sean won't let go of me.' I answer forgetting that David would now see Sean as a threat. David's eyes start to turn black, showing that he is about to change. I start to panic which causes Sterling to wake up since my heart rate is now going 90 miles per mintue. They both start to stare at Sean as if he is the one causing me so much fear.

"Sean, help!" I scream in the air, hoping he will fully wake up to help me. Sean sits up and pushes me behind him. I clutch his backside as if my life depends on it and start to shake from fear.

"Let go of her." David snarls at him. 

"No, back off and calm down. She is scared of you!" Sean yells at them. They look shocked at the idea of being the reason of my fear.

"Please calm down." I say in a whisper. I stare at the back of Sean's head, too scared to see what they might look like. They were starting to remind me of Tlyer and Tevor.

"Vamp, it's okay now. They won't hurt you, I promise." Sean whispers in my ear, trying to calm me. I look up and both the boys are staring at the ground.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I thought he was hurting you." Sterling apologies. 

"It's okay, just the way you got so angry so fast remind me of someone. Umm why don't we go eat some breakfast?" I suggest as the girls start to wake. I climb out of the bed and start to walk out into the hallway when someone grabbed my shoulder.

"How do you know you are going the right way?" David asks me. I roll my eyes ad kept walking to one of the 3 kitchens. When I open thed door my parents are on the other side. What are they doing here? They never use this kitchen.

"Vamp, please come sit down we have some news for you." my mother orders me. I sit down at one the large tables cautiously. They rest all followed my actions.

"As you know, you have more than one mate. Well now that you have found all of them, you are expected to marry." my father says to me slowly, waiting for my reaction. When he relizes I'm not going to explode he contines, "we have already made arrangments for you to marry Sean since you were little. Sterling was kind of a back up in case we were wrong, and David we had no idea." 

"So I was going to marry Sean or Sterling even if they weren't my mates?!" I scream at them. My mother covers her ears from the loud sound, while my father stares at the ground not knowing what to say. Wait he said that Sean and I were planned to marry since we were kids which means...

"YOU KNEW?!!" I shout at Sean. He starts to stand up to walk over to me.

"Stay where you are, you knew and you lied to me. You said that you had to marry someone else, another servant! You broke my heart or did you not notice the tears that ran down my face that day?" I ask him. Tears trying to escape, but I wouldn't cry in front of him.

"Yes I knew, I found a few years ago. I love and didn't want you to find because I was scared that you would grow to hate me. I hoped that you would love on your own free will. It tore at my heart to lie about not marrying you when you asked. You ran before I could I try to explain."  Sean explains/ pleads. I shake my head, this is not my fairytale love I always wanted.

" I will marry only one of you three. Sean, I don't think I can ever trust you again. Sterling, you scare and anger me. David, you are so far the one winning. You have one month to try to win my love." I inform my three mates.

"You can't do that, you have to mar-" My mother starts to say before Haley says something.

"It is fair. They each get a chance for her heart, nothing forced. No fake love and no interferring with someone's life who you barely know." Haley challenages them. They look down, know what she said is too. They don't kow one thing about me, just of the prophecy. 

"I will be gone for a week, before the month starts. Lake, Spike, and Haley are the only ones allowed to come. Cat, go inform the rest about my descion and go to your mate. He knows, he is looking for you." I order everyone. Okay so I lied about Cat's mate knowing that, but something happened. I don't know what, but she is giving off a weird vibe. I don't trust her anymore. 


Hey everyone, I am so sorry about not updating. Go ahead, throw rotten food at your computer screens I deserve it. The plot has changed a little bit, not a lot but enough. I hope to upload faster now because of that, but no promises.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2012 ⏰

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