Chapter 5- the girl name princess

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Tinia and I walked back to the quad where i meet her friend Princess. I started laughing because Im the princess and named Vamp, and she is a normal person named Princess just for the heck of it. We ended upm going back to see Cat. Cat was talking to a new girl when we got there, her name was Lake at Midnight but we called her L.  She was a noble who' s parents sent her away so she wouldn't end up like the other nolbes. Her and I were just alike in that stitution. The bell rang to get class, I raqn so I wouldn't get into trouble. I bumped into the boy who told me why I was here. He was friends with Mark and he was suppose to tell me something to make me go home. He said he was sorry that the way I had to find out the true reason why Im home was just to get me mad. The only thing going on my head was 'why does this town have to lie, and bully everyone' The rest of the day was boring. Cat and L came home with me. L is my new neighbor, and Cat was order to show me something on the way home. Half way theough the ride we stoped at an old looking house. It had brick on 3 sides of the house, a huge tree in front with a swing and a wrap around deck. Cat showed inside and there was an old lady.

"Welcome. You must Lake at midnight and Vamp. I am going to give you your reading now. Vamp you are first." said the weird old lady.

"C...Cat what does she mean by reading?" I asked.

"She is a witch who can tell the future. How your life will go, when you get married to and what will be your downfall."

"Oh that's it?" i asked jokingly. I was terrifed I dont want to know who is the jackass i will marry or my doom. I entered the room where the old woman went anyway.  There were 2 chairs, a desk, and cookies. 

"Don't be nervous. You have not much to fear." she said when I  walked in.

"Okay, what is your name by the way?"


"Hmm okay. Umm what will be my doom?"

"Hahaha. You are not like the others. All they want to know is who they will marry." Linda said while she smiled.

"Yeah I guess I want to know that too. "

"Your doom will be your love. Your love will have dark hair, and be tall."

"WHAT?! My love in the end will kill me?! Then why will I love him?"

"You will protecting your love stupid."

"Hahah yeah now that sounds more like me. Can I ask you 3 quistions?"

"Well you just did, but sure what do you want to know."

"Well, why do the noble girls hate me so much? What other clues can you give me to find my 'love' as you put it? And how careful do I have to be in this town?"

"Most of the noble girls hate you so much because you will be their doom. You will harm or kill they loves. And it seems like you have already came close."

"You mean Mark and Elliot?"

"Yes. Your love's name will start with a S and he will be new. You have to be very careful becauseof the nobles. And Tyler, he will try to use you.'

"Thank you so much!" I said as I crossed the room to give her a hug.

Lake at Midnight then went in and got her reading.

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