A new beginning

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She had enough. She was done. No more, she wasn't going to be anyone's scapegoat. She tried to help people, and she always got stabbed in the back.

So when it was discovered that during the Sangeet, Arvind had sneakily got Amrish's signature of his property. Shocking the whole Makwana Family.

The Pandya family watched not knowing what to say when Natasha started to laugh. She was laughing so hard that she had tears coming down her face.

"Karma!" she was laughing.

"What?" Sheesh asked

"Makwana family did as they pleased. The destroyed Pandya Store got my signatures for demolition. Destroyed me. And now look, the same thing happened to them." as she was walking around them.

"Shut up, Natasha!" yelled Dhawal. Amrish was yelling at Arvind. What they didn't realize was that as she was walking around, laughing at the Makwana Family, while Amrish was yelling, she was able to grab the papers and saw that they were the originals. So, while everyone was distracted, she grabbed the lighed candle centerpiece from the table. She whistled, gaining the attention of everyone.

"Hello, everyone!" she yelled. "Is someone missing anything?" as she brought the candle to the edge of the paper. Arvind noticed that the property papers were in Natasha's hands.

"No!" yelled Arvind, Rohan, and Suhani.

"Opps!" and the papers were lite into ashes.

"No!!" said the trio again.

Rohan tried to attack Natasha when Chiku and Dhawal grabbed and started to beat him, while the rest of the families were blocking both Arvind and Suhani. The police were called, and as they arrived, Arvind and his children were arrested.

Amrish and Amba tried to thank Natasha, but she ignored them and walked away.

"Insolent girl," stated Amba.

"Excuse me! Me! Maybe I should have let Arvind have your property. I am just following your family's rules. Strangers. I do not know you. So why should I talk to you. I only interferred in this situation, is because, for humanity sake, I didn't want someone else's family to suffer as I did." and she walked away. Dhawal looked upset at her words.

"My sister is right. Stay away from her. This family has hurt her enough. You know what, I am glad. She has finally given up on this family. I am personally so very happy! She will never become weak for this family." said Chiku

"Chiku," said Isha

"You are not them. You didn't break my sister. They have done it over and over. You didn't. You see, she found out about the games that were played against her in the Makwana Mansion. She found out about the girl who kidnapped Golu. She knew about the payment to the girl who accused her. She got her testimony and a signed afdivat. She even got the info on the person who brought the fake Chiku into Pandya Niwas. But she asked the police to quietly deal with it and not involve the Makwana family since it was the members of the Makwana family who instigated the problems for her. But now that she has given up on this family, I am the happiest." stated Chiku

Dhawal was looking more and more upset at the news. He looked towards the entrance that Natasha had left. "Who?" asked Dhawal

"Dhawal, we can sort this out later?" said Amrish

"Now! Or you will never see me again, " yelled Dhawal

"I paid the girl to blamed Natasha for Golu's kidnapping, so the family would be angry with her."

"And I brought the liquor into the party and paid one of the waiters to make sure that Natasha would drink. I wanted to you to break the marriage." responded, Amba

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