Pageant (Version 1)

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Dhawal saw his Bhabi's and Natasha at the beauty pageant, and he was surprised.   He was even more surprised to learn that the ladies were participants at the pageant with the full approval of Amrish Bhai.   He couldn't figure out his angle for this.  He allows the Makwana daughter in laws to participate in this pageant.  He was still thinking out loud when his Dolly Bhabi stated, "Come out Amrish Bhai trauma and concentrate on Natasha."

"I was born to live for you." said Dhawal

"I don't want to give you any hope.  I've already told you." stated Natasha

"And I told you.  I will win you over.   By being independent.  By being successful."

Natasha looked at him and walked away.

"Anger is always on her nose on this birdie." he muttered, watching her walking away.

"Don't worry, we promise that we'll get you and Natasha together soon."  promised Hetal, with Pranali and Dolly agreeing.

Dhawal gave them a big hug. "I love you, Bhabi."

The ladies participate in the pageant, while Dhawal is working behind the scenes.  While Dhawal is working, he attracts the attention of various girls.  Even though he had mentioned to the girls, that he is married, the girls still showered him with attention even his boss tried to harass him, but when he warned her that he was only there to work.  She backed off due to his warning of going to the media.

Natasha was getting angry at the attention that he was receiving.  She would pick fights with him.  His Bhabi's smiled at their fights. Whenever Dhawal got discouraged, his bhabi told him that she was jealous.   He was encouraged that his Natasha would be his soon.

Finally, it was the final competition, and everyone was happy that the competition was almost over.   One of the competitors didn't like Natasha and was arguing with her backstage.  Dhawal was heading over towards them when the other girl pushed Natasha hard.   Natasha crashed into Dhawal, who crashed into a mirror.  Dhawal used his body to protect Natasha but ended up getting up hurt.  The cut on his hand, the blood dripped onto Natasha's forehead.   Dhawal quickly double-checked Natasha for any injuries when he noticed that his blood had filled her hairline.    He looked around for the girl who pushed Natasha and saw that security was already escorting her out.

"Natasha, I'm sorry my blood filled your hairline."  said Dhawal

She looked at Dhawal's hands and realized that his hands were protecting her head when the mirror crashed around them.  She quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him to one of the security men and asked for the first aid kit.   

"Natasha, stop it.  You are missing the last round.  You need to go."  pleaded Dhawal

"Shut up, Dhawal.  You need first aid.  You're bleeding, " cried Natasha.

When his sister in laws heard that Dhawal was hurt, they themselves left the pageant and rushed towards Natasha and Dhawal.    

"Natasha, I'll wipe the blood off you,"  said Dhawal

"No!"  yelled Hetal

"You two, don't you even see the signs.  You are made for each other.  You two are being stubborn."  said Pranali

"What signs?  There's no signs, "  said Natasha

"Really, Natasha," asked Dolly   

"Then why did you rush into the hospital when you heard that Dhawal was dying?" asked Pranali

"During the fire, why were you the one to pull him out of the party hall? You didn't even look for anyone else. You could have been helping others, but you went straight for him, calling for him." asked Dolly

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