Cause and Effect

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Dhawal arrived at the hotel and was surprised to see an engagement was happening. He was trying to find Golu when he noticed that the bride to be was Natasha. He was angry that she would even think she could get engaged if she was still married to him. He was ready to stop the engagement when the cries of a baby sounded through the air.

The next ten minutes shocked Dhawal, who just saw the condition of Natasha. Natasha, who was smiling earlier, was acting like a crazy person. She was screaming when she heard the cries of the baby, Natasha rushed past everyone back into the hotel, and Dhawal followed her, along with Shantanu and his sister. Natasha was protecting Naveli even in this condition.

"Bittu!" said Shantanu.

"Dhawal!" called out Natasha

"No. Shantanu. It's Shantanu." said Shantanu

"Shantanu." Repeated Natasha

"Yes, Bittu. Shantanu." agreed Shantanu

"Her name is Natasha. Not Bittu. I have been looking for her for years. She's my wife. And that little girl she is protecting is our daughter." as he went near her, touching her face. Natasha closed her eyes at his touch.

Shantanu was surprised at Bittu's reaction to Dhawal's touch. There was no reaction from Bittu. It was like she knew his touch.

"Who are you?" asked Shantanu.

"Dhawal Makwana. This is my wife, Natasha Dhawal Makwana. And our daughter, Naveli Makwana." said Dhawal. "What is wrong with my wife?" Not realizing that he had called Natasha his wife three times in the last minute. He picked her up and told Naveli to follow them.

He came out of the washroom, and Shantanu followed him along with his sister. "Again, tell me what is wrong with my wife."

"She's mentally unstable. She has been since we found her 6 years ago. It's taken us this long to have her comfortable with us." said Shantanu.

"You tried to get engaged to my wife while she is mentally unsound." yelled Dhawal, scaring Natasha, who tightened her grip on Dhawal and tried to squeeze herself into him.

"Sir, my brother is only trying to help. He loves her. He's her doctor." said Shantanu's sister.

"So you mean, he took advantage of his position in her life." said Dhawal

"How do we know that you are telling the truth. That you are her husband." interjected Shantanu.

Dhawal held Natasha tightly as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He opened his gallery app and opened the folder, NP, and all his pictures of Natasha since they met had been opened. He picked out their 2nd wedding picture and showed it to Shantanu and his sister. "Is this proof enough? Or this one?" he asked. "I've been looking for her, and finally I found her, and she was getting engaged. But no longer, I am taking her home and finding a doctor that will help her, not use her for his gain. Naveli come along. And where is Golu?"

"Golu is probably in our room." said Naveli

"Fine. Let's go. We are leaving." Dhawal looked down at Natasha and saw that she had fallen asleep.

An hour later, Dhawal, Natasha, and the kids were on their way to the airport to go back to Somnath.

Later, Dhawal arrived at Makwana house with Natasha and the kids. When Hetal saw Natasha, she started to yell, "Tell her to leave!"

"Bhabi, enough! Natasha isn't going anywhere. If she leaves, I will leave with her. And whoever wants to come with me." stated Dhawal

'How the hell did she come back. I kicked her out of the house all those years ago, with none the wiser, and now she's back. I need to kick out again' Hetal thought.

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