Aftermath of Deception

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"Looking for these?" asked Natasha as she held up the property papers to Chiku.

"Give me those papers?" said Chiku.

"Never! How could you, Chiku? We are Pandya's, and you go and do something so underhanded and disgusting! How could you hurt Esha Bhabi like this. She is the daughter of that house!" yelled Natasha.

"The same way they did! You were the daughter of our house when they played their underhanded tricks. Why are you protecting them!" yelled Chiku.

What they didn't know was that the Green room was being recorded, and their fight was broadcasted at the ramp, where everyone was watching. Juhi was finally happy that her plan worked, and Natasha would be kicked out. Luckily, most of the pageant had gone home, and the round was over, just a few stragglers, the Pandya's and the Makwana's.

"They are our family!" yelled Natasha,"I told you to stop. Otherwise, I will stop you!"

"Never! They hurt you! They hurt Esha! I won't stop until I have brought them to the streets, " yelled Chiku

"You are Dhara Ma's son? You lived with her more than any one of us. Then, how do you treat your family like this. Dhara Ma and Bade Papa, they lived were honest, hard-working, genuine people there was. Hell, people still talk about him and his honesty. Even 15 years ago, they could have left that bank, but they stayed to help others to safety, during that earthquake, and you did something so dishonest, that I am so hurt that my brother, would do something like this."

"I don't care! They hurt my family, and then I will hurt them back!" yelled Chiku, his anger skyrocking.

"Chiku, they are my family too!" yelled Natasha

"No, they aren't. They kicked you out of that family, like a piece of trash. When they need you, they bring you back, and when your usefulness is over, they threw you out. " Chiku tried grabbing the papers.

"No! My Bhabi's love me, Chirag Bhai loves, Dhawal loves me. Dhawal is trying his best. He left his family for me. He is becoming independent for me. He wants to marry me. He's always protected me, even when I rejected him." cried Natasha, moving away from Chiku.

"He still doubted your character," Chiku pointed out.

"So that is between me and Dhawal. That even happened with our own Shiva Chachu and Raavi Chachi. They sorted it out between them. We don't need you to interfere with our issues. We have enough to deal with. Now, this is what is going to happen. You are going to apologise to your family. Amrish Bhai and his family have enough to deal with without you putting your petty revenge in the pot!"Natasha ripped the papers in front of Chiku.

"No! How could you!" Chiku grabbed Natasha and shook her like a doll. When Dhawal saw him shaking Natasha on the screen, he ran towards the Green Room. As he burst into the room, Chiku had pushed Natasha away from him, and Natasha hit her head against a table.

"Natasha!" Dhawal yelled. "Get away from her." Dhawal pulled Chiku away from Natasha and pushed him, "Don't you ever put your hands on my wife!" Dhawal picked up Natasha and sat her on the sofa while he was checking for injuries, "Natasha, are you ok? Please say something?"

"I'm fine, Dhawal. Don't worry. It's just a little arguement. Where's Chiku? " Natasha asked, looking around. Shortly, both the Pandya's and Makwana's family showed up in the Green Room. Esha was heartbroken.

Since everyone was in the room, Natasha looked around and said, "Enough everyone! No more! We've been doing this dance for a while now. First, it was Amrish Bhai, and now Chiku's turn. Well, I have enough. No more." Natasha looked around furiously. And found what she was looking for. She got up, went to the table, and grabbed the container. She walked back to Dhawal. "Will you marry me?" Natasha asked. Dhawal quickly grabbed a pinch of sindoor and filled Natasha's partition, marking her his again.

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