Battling the Storm - Version 2

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Amrish and Amba's truth came out to the family. An officer had come to Makwana Mansion, to let them know that they had figured out the person who wanted to defame them at the party, and they had arrested the fake Chiku. It turned out that it was none other than Amba. Amba had forgotten about that loose end. The blowup from there had Amrish confessing his deeds. Dhawal and Chirag expressed their disappointment and anger towards Amba and Amrish. Bhavin was being neutral, didn't wasn't taking any sides, whereas everyone else had expressed their opinion. They decided to move out to the Farmhouse to get some space. Dhawal had expressed that he wished the divorce would be canceled. Chirag had gone to Sadar Bazar and overheard the residents talking. He found out that Natasha's parents, aunts and uncles, lost their lives on the same day as their father. Their father had survived the earthquake but ended up passing away at the hospital.

Chirag, Esha and Dhawal looked into the Pandya's death, and found out that they were the ones that saved their father, as they brought him out, before rushing back into the back to help others.

They had decided to go over to Pandya Niwas to explain. Natasha was surprised when she opened the door and the Makwanas were at the door. She quietly let them in. Suman was angry when she saw who was in her living room.

She vented out, yet they didn't say anything. Chiku kept Sheesh in line, as he was more inclined to outbursts. Once she was done venting, she asked, "What are you doing here? You have cut ties between our families. "

"Actually, Daama, we wanted to explain."

"Explain what?" asked Natasha

"I'm sorry, Natasha. You had lost Pandya Store because of me. I didn't trick you, but Amrish Bhai had tricked me. I was told that there were papers for the mall share. I didn't know that they were the papers for the demolition of Pandya Store. You were so angry at me, and I didn't know how to fix it. So when Amrish Bhai asked me to send you away. I agreed on the condition that you would get Pandya Store."

"What." said Suman

"I had to. Otherwise, I couldn't give back Pandya Store to Natasha. I love Natasha. I want to live the rest of my life with her. I can't imagine a day without her. But I had to give her up so she could be happy."

"What's changed now?" asked Chiku

"Well, we found out a few things and some news. Ma and Amrish were the ones who were putting obstacles in Natasha and Dhawal's relationship." stated Hetal

"What do you mean?" asked Natasha

"The person that brought liquor into the party and the fake Chiku was brought in by Ma." said Hetal

"What!" yelled the Pandya Family

"And the girl who blamed Natasha for Golu's kidnapping was paid by Amrish Bhai." said Pranali Bhabi

Natasha had a knowing look.

"What news?" asked a confused Natasha

"Fifteen years ago, your family died saving strangers. My father was one of the people that they had tried to save. They were able to get him out, but he passed away at the hospital." stated Esha.

"So you are here because of pity, guilt?" asked Suman

"Neither. We were planning to come after we left Makwana Mansion, but then Chirag found out about Papa's. Then we figured we should find out the truth." stated Dhawal.

"Fine. You told us your side the story. Now you can leave."

"Natasha!" yelled, Suman

"I'm sorry, Daama. I tried. I couldn't keep everyone happy. Not my father like brother or Natasha. I had to choose one. I thought if I gave Natasha her freedom she would be happy but I didn't know broken I am without her. When Ma's and Amrish Bhai's deeds came alight, I knew I should have picked to stay with Natasha. I just wanted Natasha to be happy. I knew if I gave her family back, she would be happy. Pandya Store, pandya Family is part of Natasha. If she lost any part of it, she would lose a part of her. She lost her brothers when Amrish Bhai got the signatures. So I did what I had to do so I could get it back for her. It was destroyed, but at least it was still hers."

Daama had a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"So you want to cancel to divorce, and you want to take Natasha home with you?" stated Daama

"Yes, with Natasha's agreement. I won't force her. I've hurt her enough, " said Dhawal

"I want a guarantee that this won't happen again." stated Chiku

"I promise!" said Dhawal

"Promises are weak! You promised Natasha before!" said Chiku

"I'll marry you. If Dhawal kicks Natasha out, then you could do the same"

"Esha!" yelled, everyone

"Are you crazy! Marriage is not a game for us, Pandya's. You Makwana's make think its game." stated Chiku

"Esha Di, marriage is not a deal. Marriage should have love and trust as its foundation. Marriage is hard enough. Any relationship is hard work. it shouldn't be a deal. Do you know I never wanted to marry, but I fell in love. Do you know how broken you become when the person you love doesn't love you. Married you as a deal." said Natasha as Dhawal looked guilty at her.

"It's my decision and Chiku's. And I will do anything to help Dhawal and Natasha. They love each other, but the situations created by Ma and Amrish Bhai have separated them. True love is hard to find, and when you have found it, you should fight to keep it." stated Esha

"Fine, let's sit down calmly and talk," stated Suman

"There's nothing to talk about! Dhawal doesn't want this relationship. End of story." cried Natasha.

"Why are you being so stubborn? My hands were tied. Either I give you your family back along with Pandya Store, or we stay together and lose your family and live a regressive life. I picked you. Your family. Your Happiness. Do you remember what I said the morning after Diwali?" asked Dhawal

"Yes. You said that I think of everyone, " stated Natasha

"Yes. I said that you think of everyone, but for me, I only have you to think of. I also apologize to you again. I was horrible to you. Not trusting you. But this divorce got so messy with everyone interfering. Both families want to get us married elsewhere. I would never marry anyone else, nor would I let anyone else marry my wife!" said Dhawal

Natasha looked at Dhawal in surprised.

"Look, everyone, sit down now! We will figure out a situation calmly." stated Daama.

As everyone sat down, Daama noticed that Dhawal and Natasha were sitting beside each other at a distance, together yet apart. And she noticed that Chiku and Esha were sitting across each other, slying glancing at each other. She didn't know what to do. Should she ask Natasha to give Dhawal another chance. Should she take Esha on her offer and make her Chiku's bride?"

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