The Fallout

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Natasha saw that there was a party going on at the Makwana house, where everyone was enjoying, Amba was the happiest. She was able to hurt Natasha even though she lost her daughter.

She quietly went inside, changed, and packed her bag.  And walked out of the house, Amba was happy that her plan worked.   Amrish was annoyed that Natasha was causing needless scenes. 

"Natasha, what are you doing?  Where are you going?" panicked Dhawal

"I am going to Pandya Niwas.   Will you honor the contract?"  asked Natasha

"No!" yelled Amba.  

Natasha walked up to Amba and said,  "According to the contract, I am not taking someone's son or brother with me, I am taking my husband with me, Dhawal Makwana."  stated Natasha

"What contract.  There is no contract.  I wrote those conditions.  I was the one who had brought the papers for you to get the family to sign." Amba realized that her secret was out.  "What did you expect.  I told you she wasn't good for this family, for Dhawal.  But you got him married to her twice.  So I made her act horrible towards everyone so they would hate her"

"Doesn't matter.  You see, because of you and your tricks, I've lost my brother, and my grandmother is on her deathbed.  So you broke my family.  Now it is time for me to take your family."  said Natasha

"You can't do anything."

"I want your children.  My Daama's children were taken away from her due to your husband.  So now I want your children.  Four sons along with their wives.  Otherwise, return my family back to me."  said Natasha.

"What are you saying?" said Amrish

"Remember you once said that I asked for a steep price to bring Dhawal home when Yash stole your property.  Now, I will say that your family asked a steep price from my family fifteen years ago for just trying to help in recovering your stolen property.  My family was celebrating.   My Papa stopped by the sweet shop to get some sweets.  The rest of them had gone to the bank to sign the papers for the second shop, and we had just moved into a bigger house.   They had all gone to the bank.   The papers were signed, and as they were leaving the bank, they met a man.  Bade Papa and my family wanted to help this man who had lost property to a crooked partner.  My family decided to help him, to try to get everything back.  They went back inside the bank, trying to talk to the manager, who happened to be home that day.  Since my Bade Papa knew him personally, he called him at home.  They were speaking regarding the issue when the earthquake hit.  They tried saving that man, but unfortunately, they couldn't, but my family also lost their lives trying to save that man.  Do you know who that man was, Amrish Bhai?" asked an angry Natasha

Amrish was quiet along with the other Makwana brothers.  The Makwana daughter in laws were confused.

"That man was Arvind Makwana.  YOUR father.   And because of my family's interference, you were also able to recover your stolen property a couple of months after the quake. Isn't that correct?" stated Natasha.

Amrish nodded.   "Your family regained everything except for your father. We lost everything that day, my family, home, and our business. We had to start over. And then the Makwana's come back into our lives, to destroy it once again."

"You know what.  I am done.  I'm done being blackmailed.  I am done trying to help this family, which I thought was mine.  Disgusting, trying to destroy the very family that sacrificed themselves in trying to save your husband." Natasha said.

"Maa, what the hell did you do?" said Amrish

"Natasha," said Dolly

"Natasha, please.  Don't leave me."  Dhawal ran to Natasha.

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