{Meeting Again}

31 4 27

Roles Reversed?



{Player Information}

-Jinsil-Eul Balghida|17 Years Old

-Sponsor: [<TOSHOKAN>]

-Attributes: [Reader's Memory] [Unidentified] [Interferer] [Avatar Bearer(Legendary): Memories of avatars can be restored throughout time, until you will finally become whole.] [Sibylline King LV.3: Grants Invisibility, Lie Detection, A Wall, Identification, Probability Of Seeing The Future, And Silent Steps.]

-Stigmas: [Beast Lord LV.8: Tames creatures below grade zero, able to speak with said creatures mentally.]

[Collector Of Stories: A storage of skills in a library that you can access by going into the dimension of the Collector Of Stories.]

[<Library>-Seemingly a stigma that represents a library, perhaps this transports you to a white void with constellations that belong to the <TOSHOKAN> nebula?]

[Cosmic Aura LV.1: Resilient to attacks of any kind along with the ability to adapt to them.]

[Dragonic Fever Lv.1: Basically, Dragon's Berserk Rage, replacing this skill. True name, Dragonic Blood. Boosts one's state of power by ten.]

[Awakening Stages Lv.?: In order, Suspicion, Understanding, Oblivion which allows the user to imprint a fake world they see into reality, Hypothesis, Elucidation, Acknowledgement, and Culmination.]

[Memory Swallower Lv.1: Steals memories upon making physical contact with people, doesn't activate automatically, you may also transfer or look into memories.]

-Exclusive Skills: [Hakken Suru LV.1: large mini map that's constantly mapped into your nerves and shows it through your eyes only so no one else would be able to see. Green dots are designated as allies, red dots as enemies. Able to zoom in on the map to see more details of the surroundings and names of other incarnations or other beings. Essentially, an intractable map system.]

[Unique Strings LV.1: It scales and depends on the user, the strings can be modified as such, unable to be cut, sticky, strong, or otherwise adding attributes like fire or lightning.]

[Divination Amplification Lv.1: Cures status ailments and can place or surround anything in the power of divinity or holiness.]

[X-Soul: Overwrite And Save]

[Way Of The Wind LV.10: Controls constructs of the air.]

[Mana Barrier LV.10: Scales durability based on how much mana is implanted, a movable barrier that can be placed anyway or to cover yourself or others. More barriers equals weaker durability due to having to spend more mana. Higher the level of the skill results in massive durability with low amounts of mana spent needed to improve the barrier.]

[Hyper Regenerative Healing Factor LV.3: Heal lost limbs or injuries of any kind at high speeds along with status ailments cured.]

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