CH.1 - The Incident

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MC: Second Lt. Aaron Mark Cameron

Nationality: Californian Cameraman (Ordinary)Address: San Luis Obispo, CaliforniaMade-day: January 16, 2178Age: 278 yoHeight (as of January, 2456): 5' 10"Weight (as of January, 2456): 60 kgOther:- Vehicles: RB Works Toyota Supra MK6            

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Nationality: Californian Cameraman (Ordinary)
Address: San Luis Obispo, California
Made-day: January 16, 2178
Age: 278 yo
Height (as of January, 2456): 5' 10"
Weight (as of January, 2456): 60 kg
- Vehicles:
RB Works Toyota Supra MK6            

Nationality: Californian Cameraman (Ordinary)Address: San Luis Obispo, CaliforniaMade-day: January 16, 2178Age: 278 yoHeight (as of January, 2456): 5' 10"Weight (as of January, 2456): 60 kgOther:- Vehicles: RB Works Toyota Supra MK6            

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GMC Hummer EV H19 Crawler Military

"Hi, I am Mark, a Californian Cameraman

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"Hi, I am Mark, a Californian Cameraman. I was made in the midst of the Skibidi War. I have seen combat I am not good at Math hehehehe. Let's just say when I was created in the year 2178 until the end of the war in 2284.....hmm, that was more than a hundred years huh. Oh by the way I am a Second Liutenant of United Cameramen Marine Forces 1st National Division at Camp "Castle Charlie Tango Victor", Fort Nerve, Illinois.
I am one of the 2,500 Second Liutenants ready for not really. I like spending most of my days at home rather than outside patrolling for terrorist Skibidis. I also like to read comic books, that's why I regularly attend the famous annual Comic-con!!! Oh bye guys, I gotta go." *ends video recording*

Mark: *sighs* *gets excited* Yes!! This is the day where I should be able to bring home a whole load of Comics! Ohh, just thinking about it makes me feel excited!

Feeling a rush of enthusiasm, Mark sprang into action, gathering all the things he needs to bring, he checks all one by one so he wouldn't forget any.

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