CH8 - In the Journey

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It had been two hours since they set off, opting to use ropes and horses to pull the carts. The rope was securely tied to each cart, extending all the way down the line. It was an effective method, but it hadn't made their travel time any faster.

Mark: "Ugh, when are we gonna reach those cliffs? There's barely been any difference in the terrain. It's just forests."

Itami: "Shh, we have some people sleeping."

Mark looked back at Carlos, Hodor, and his daughter, all peacefully asleep. Mark lowered his volume, before speaking.

Mark: "Uhh, you're right. Maybe I should really be quiet throughout the entire journey."

Itami: "We could talk about that car meet we were discussing earlier."

Mark: "Yeah, where were we again?"

Itami: "Hmm, I think we were talking about the requirements, but I'm not sure. Let's just continue, though."

Mark tightened his grip on the steering wheel, determination in his eyes. And then...

14 years ago, Los Derivas

Izzy: "Three....."

The two cars revved their engines, expressing their readiness for the race. It was a showdown between Mark and Tyler Shax, a race that would determine the king of the Los Derivas Racing World.

Izzy: "Two......"

Mark and Shax locked eyes, their expressions serious. This race would decide it all.

Izzy: "One......."

The air filled with the roar of their engines, creating a tense atmosphere. The turbocharged 5.0-liter V8 engine of Shax's Agera R and the custom-built quad-turbocharged 2.0-liter inline-six of Mark's GR Supra echoed through the area as they awaited the countdown.

Izzy: "And.....GO!!!"

They released their cars from neutral, slammed on the throttle, and shifted into first gear. Shax's Agera R shot forward, leaving Mark worried.

Mark: *whispers* "Oh, I hope I win. I'll get that Koenigsegg of yours."

After a quarter-mile, Mark overtook Shax and pulled ahead with the help of NOS. Shax realized he wouldn't win, and the weight of losing the ability to defend the city he loved settled on him. At the end of the half-mile, Mark's Supra achieved a time of 11.095 seconds, while Shax's car clocked in at 11.9 seconds. Mark emerged victorious.

Mark: "Yes....."

Both cars parked in front of the cheering crowd. Mark stepped out of his car and was greeted by a sea of people. His friends soon joined him to offer their congratulations.

Jerry: "Hey kid! I'm very proud of you! It was the right decision to keep you as a 'Derivian Racer'."

Noro: "Congrats, kid! You defeated the king here. But remember, you still have a long way to go."

Jess and Izzy: "Good job!"

Mark: "Thanks, everyone!"

Shax approached Mark and handed him the keys to his car, then bowed.

Tyler: "You impressed me there, not gonna lie. Here you go, the keys to Jerry's best car."

Mark: "Hey Jerry, you might want that for yourself instead of me."

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