CH3 - Going Beyond

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The Dome of the "Gate"
New Chicago International Concern Zone (NCICZ)
1:20 pm Saturday, April 10, 2456

Gen. Dark: "I want to remind all of our fellow soldiers that this is the moment to avenge those who lost their lives in the devastating attack on March 30. While we must be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, our primary objective is not domination, but rather the establishment of lasting peace."

General Dark glanced at General Plunger, indicating that it was his turn to speak.

Gen. Plunger: "Yesterday, we received information that the Titans have chosen today as the day for our counterstrike. In the event that we are immediately thrust into combat, each and every one of you must be prepared. I also wish to express my gratitude to General Dark for his tireless efforts in securing and strategizing our forces."

General Plunger turned his gaze towards the control tower, signaling for the doors to the "Gate" to be opened

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General Plunger turned his gaze towards the control tower, signaling for the doors to the "Gate" to be opened. As the colossal doors slowly parted, a resounding rumble filled the air as every military vehicle revved their engines, demonstrating their unwavering readiness. The vehicles formed an impressive convoy, stretching out in a perfectly straight line that seemed to vanish into the horizon, as far as the eye could see.

Scene Switch
Gab let out a sigh as Vehicle No. 003 approached the imposing "Gate," the unknown beyond it filling the squad with nerves. However, their determination to discover what lay ahead remained strong, echoing the words they had spoken during the National Oath-taking ceremony.

Accompanying them were several members: Sergeant First Class Vein Vacoud, Cameraman; Sergeant Major Guillivert Al-Guzman, TV Man; and Sergeant Adrien Yamahashi, Clockman. Additionally, there were ten other Private First Class officers.

Gab: *sighs* "Here we are, about to enter the 'Gate.'"

Carlos: "Don't worry, guys. We've got this."

Breaking the silence, Guillivert expressed his gratitude at meeting the Three Heroes of the 74th Avenue and the Deluxe Mall.

Guillivert: "Um, hi. I just wanted to say how honored I am to meet the trio who were personally commended by General Plunger. Your bravery and heroism are truly inspiring."

Vein: "Absolutely. It takes incredible courage to receive such commendations and promotions."

Mark: "Nah, we were just doing what was right, fulfilling our duties. And honestly, if you were in our shoes, you would have done the same, right? Saving lives."

Vein: "Yeah, I would no doubt do the same thing you three did."

Guillivert: "Same!"

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