CH7 - Departure

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Gab rushed back to the scene, only to find that the situation had worsened. He saw a young girl lying on the ground, injured, with another young girl with blue hair and accessories by her side. Without hesitation, he hurried to check on the injured girl.

Gab: "She has a broken arm. She needs immediate medical attention."

Katrina: "Sir, what did you say again?"

Gab: "Go get the first aid kit from the vehicle, now!"

Katrina: "Yes, sir."

Katrina rushed to the vehicle to retrieve the first aid kit, while Gab emitted a white light to assess the girl's condition.

???: "Is jy 'n dokter?" (Are you a doctor?)

Gab turned his attention to the voice, realizing a young girl was speaking to him.

Gab: "Hey, kid, it's not safe—"

Suddenly, the horse became aggressive once again, breaking free from the rope that held it back. It was about to attack them both when two gunshots rang out, taking down the horse.

Joshua: "Sir, are you both alright?"

Gab: *nods yes* "Yeah."

Prince: "Where did that come from?"

Everyone turned their attention to three figures emerging from the bushes. It was Mark accompanied by two individuals wearing JSDF uniforms.

Mark: "Hey, are you all alright?"

Mark's team aimed their weapons at the two humans, perceiving them as threats. Meanwhile, Gab held onto both girls, keeping them away from potential danger.

???: "Haai, hulle het ons sopas gered." (Hey, they just saved us.)

Gab: "Uh... huh?"

Mark: "Ayy, ayy, ayy, guys, chill. These are friends, okay? They're good people. JSDF personnel."

Mark's team lowered their weapons upon hearing Mark's words.

Guillivert: "Are you sure about that, sir?"

Mark: "Yes, of course. They have expressed their intentions."

Itami: "Yes, we don't have any bad intentions, alright? I am Itami Youji, the commander of CHE Deep Recon 1. And this guy beside me is Takeo Kurata, my only companion since we first arrived."

Kurata: "Hi, nice to meet y'all."

Mark's group approached them and began introducing themselves. Meanwhile, Katrina returned, curious and alert.

Katrina: "What happened here? Did—"

Gab: "Give me the damn first aid kit!"

Katrina: "Ugh, fine."

Katrina handed the first aid kit to Gab, who immediately started covering the wounds and fractures with bandages.

Katrina: "What the hell happened here? I heard two gunshots. Why are they talking to—"

Gab: "They said they're JSDF personnel working for the CHE. And... the gunshots came from them."

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