CH2 - The Decision

692 14 6

2:00 pm Tuesday, March 30 2456

General Plunger spoke up, his voice filled with concern.

Gen. Plunger: "Are you....serious Sirs?"

The other titans, except Titan Drillman, chuckled and exchanged glances. They couldn't help but tease him:
"Are dumb Titan Drillman!?"

TTCM: "We actually have voted to conduct exploration missions, and you even voted for it!"

Titan Drillman scratched his head, somewhat pretending to forget.

TDRM: "Oh really, how'd I forgot about that?"

TTVM: "It's because you have artificial amnesia, Drillman."

TDRM: "No, I though you were all referring to another Gate."

TCM: "Yes we were. A gate to cure your worsening mind illness Drillman. Why don't you go to a chip clinic to fix that?"

Laughter erupted among the Titans, except for Titan Drillman, who didn't find it amusing. General Dark, observing the exchange, chuckled at the words by Titan Cameraman. However, General Plunger remained quiet, deep in thought, contemplating the potential results and consequences of an exploration mission.

TDRM: "Haha. Not funny."

General Dark noticed General Plunger being so quiet. He thinks he has a concern to tell the titans.

General Dark interrupted the laughter, addressing the Titans.

Gen. Dark: "Excuse me, Titans. We have someone here who is quite concerned."

All titans looked to the hologram and one asked:

TTVM: "Who?"

Gen. Dark: "None other than General Plunger himself. He's very curious about this 'Gate' and is eager to conduct an exploration mission as soon as possible. Isn't that right, General Plunger?"

General Plunger hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Gen. Plunger: "Yes, that's correct. I would like to express my concerns as well."

TSPM: "What exactly are you concerned about?"

General Plunger's voice grew serious.

Gen. Plunger: "Does the Central Human Eye know what's happening?"

Silence fell upon them as they contemplated his question. Finally, Titan Drillman broke the silence, his tone more somber than before.

TDRM: "Maybe we should reconsider the exploration mission. If the Central Human Eye is aware, it could have serious consequences for us. We may have accidentaly killed some of their agents in the attack."

General Dark nodded

Gen. Dark: "I agree. The safety and well-being of our mission and the clear understanding with Central Human Eye are of utmost importance."

TTCM: "Perhaps we should initiate communication first with the Central Human Eye and inform them about our intentions. Transparency is key."

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