CH5 - Aftermath and Exploration

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No Man's Land Zone, bottom of Alnus Hill
The day after the battle - 5:00 AM

As Mark and Gab traversed the desolate battlefield, their visuals fell upon the lifeless bodies of both humans and strange creatures.

Gab: "Damn, the casualties here are staggering, especially for a medieval country."

Mark: "Indeed, the devastation is extensive. Imagine, 150,000 combinied from the attack and here."

Gab: "Do we have any idea what percentage of their army this represents? And did you notice soldiers wearing different uniforms from one another?"

Mark: "At this point, it's difficult to determine the exact numbers. And those weren't just uniforms; they were donning metal armor. It seems like we were facing multiple factions." *sighs*
"Just who and what are we against with?"

Mark picked up a wooden stick, which appeared to be a remnant of a longbow, and absentmindedly hurled it into the distance.

Gab: "Are you trying to attract a stray dog or something?"

Mark glanced at Gab and chuckled.

Timeskip (2 days)
2:00 pm Command Base R-001

General Plunger was debriefing with the security personnel after discovering General Dark unconscious on a nearby hill.

Gen. Plunger: "Why was no one on active duty at that time!?"

Security Cameraman 1: "Sir, it took us by surprise!"

Security TV Man: "Yes, sir, it happened so suddenly! We apologize, sir!"

Security Cameraman 2: "We were still reeling from the battle, so we couldn't secure the area properly."

Gen. Plunger: "Okay then, I understand. Just ensure that security measures are tightened for the future. We will deploy additional personnel tomorrow. Alright, this meeting is dismissed. You may all leave."

All security personnel: "Yes, sir!"

After the security personnel left the room, General Plunger gazed outside, contemplating how and why General Dark had been found unconscious near their camp, captured.

Gen. Plunger: *whispers* "Could it be because of the information he possessed? If so, does that mean I am also a target?"

???: "No, you're not."

Startled by the voice, General Plunger looked around.

Gen. Plunger: "Who's there!?"

The door opened, revealing First Lieutenant Mark.

Gen. Plunger: "First Lieutenant Mark, you startled me! I was on edge."

Mark: "I apologize, sir. I was informed that you wanted to see me. What can I do for you?"

Gen. Plunger: *sighs* "I have made the decision to embark on a deep reconnaissance mission into these unknown lands. And you will lead the expedition."

Mark glanced at General Plunger, feeling nervous as it was his first time leading a reconnaissance group-a task he had limited knowledge about.

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