CH11A - A Terrifying Discovery

232 5 8

Scene Switch
Pittsburgh Suburbs, Pennsylvania, UCR

In the tranquil dawn of Southern Pittsburgh Suburbs, a charming little house stands, indistinguishable from the rest. Yet, despite its similarity to the 15,000 other identical homes, it holds a unique distinction - its inhabitants. The residents are not your average Hardwarian or human citizens, they are extraordinary, having served in the Skibidi war for an extended period on the side of the Alliance. They are none other than the Elite Cameraman and his wife, SA TV Woman.

TV Woman: "Darling, have you finished?"

Elite CMR: "Not quite, I'm still struggling with this blasted... tube."

TV Woman: "Why not just call a plumber?"

Elite CMR: "No need, I can handle thi-"

Suddenly, a torrent of water erupts, drenching the Elite Cameraman.

TV Woman: "Please, just call the plumber, dear."

Elite CMR: *looks to her* "I believe you're right."

As TV Woman turns to phone the plumber, a knock echoes from the door.

Elite CMR: "Wow, that was quick. Is this plumber also a TV Man?"

TV Woman: "No, why? Are you expecting someone?"

Elite CMR: "No, sweetheart. I didn't invite anyone-"

TV Woman: "Don't slip back into your melancholic mood. I'll see who it is, you go change, you're soaked."

Elite Cameraman rises, glancing down at his drenched clothes. Meanwhile, TV Woman approaches the door, peering through the peephole.

TV Woman: "General Plunger?"

Curiosity piqued, TV Woman opens the door to find General Plunger standing there.

Gen. Plunger: "Hello, SA TV Woman. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

TV Woman: "Yes, but... why are you here?"

Gen. Plunger: "We... um... would like to recruit you for a covert mission to the Mysterium Region."

TV Woman: "The region beyond the gate in New Chicago?"

Gen. Plunger: "Exactly."

TV Woman: "Really... why?"

Gen. Plunger: "Our intelligence from the Mysterium Region has identified several dangerous entities that pose a threat to us..."

TV Woman: "It's typical to encounter such things in a 'fantasy' world, right? You guys need to relax."

Gen. Plunger: "I'm just following orders."

TV Woman: "You're obeying overblown and exaggerated commands."

Gen. Plunger: "There's a $100,000 offer, but I suppose..."

TV Woman: "No... I need a solid reason why I should..."

Gen. Plunger: "Our task is merely to observe these entities."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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