CH9 - The Secret Hardwarian Race

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After the sudden release of Carlos's soundwaves, some people fell to the ground due to the tremendous shockwave it created. Gab suddenly materialized in the area, ready for combat.

Gab: "What was that!? What just happened here!?"

Mark: "Carlos, what the heck? There are civilians here!"

Carlos looked around and felt a twinge of guilt when he saw the fallen crows and civilians.

Carlos: "Um, sorry. I was just being heavily harassed by these annoying crows."

Itami: "The fire dragon might detect us after what you did."

Gab: "He's right..."

Gab noticed that everyone was looking at him with different expressions. He turned to face Mark and Itami.

Gab: "Why... why are they looking at me?"

Mark: "Probably because you materialized out of nowhere."

Gab looked around and felt uneasy under their gazes.

Rory: "Het hy... het hy net uit die niks geteleporteer? Interessant." (Did he... did he just teleport out of nowhere? Interesting.)

Mark: "Um, Gab, Carlos, Itami, let's go back. We're attracting unwanted attention here. The locals might see us as evil creatures."

Gab and Carlos: "Alright."

Itami: "I probably won't be included-"

Mark: "Just go back inside."

They complied. Gab dematerialized and disappeared from the area, while Itami and Carlos slowly made their way back to the vehicle. Hodor and his daughter were still asleep, seemingly unaffected by the deafening shit Carlos had produced. Afterward, Mark turned to face the locals and the uneasy-looking "apostle".

Mark: "Goed, ek hoop dat wat gebeur het, nie enige misverstande oor ons Hardwarians veroorsaak het nie. Ons besit net daardie ongelooflike vermoëns omdat ons gebou is om dit te hê. Moet asseblief nie dink ons ​​is-" (Alright, I hope that what happened didn't cause any misunderstandings about us Hardwarians. We possess those incredible abilities because we were built to have them. Please don't think we are-)

Elder Villager: "Ons dink nie dat julle 'n paar bose wesens is nie, julle het ons en die elwe gehelp om van die vuurdraak te vlug. Die ding wat ons net gesien het, het ons geskok, maar dit het ons ook gemaklik gemaak dat julle ons teen gevaar sal beskerm." (We don't think you're evil creatures. You helped us and the elves escape from the fire dragon. The thing we just saw shocked us, but it also reassured us that you would protect us from danger.)

Rory: "O, ek het gedink dat jy-" (Oh, I thought you were-)

Mark: "Bly stil, apostel van 'n ....... oorlogsding God. Laat ons teruggaan na ons voertuie sodat ons kan voortgaan." (Stay quiet, apostle of a... war deity. By the way, yeah, I'm grateful you didn't overthink it. Let's go back to our vehicles so we can move on.)

The villagers complied and walked back to the vehicles. Rory, with an intimidated expression on her face, cautiously moved her halberd slightly. Suddenly, a red laser dot appeared on her, catching her attention. It turned out to be an aerial drone that Mark's team had secretly launched. The drone was armed with a low-power red plasma gun, two gatling guns, and Avangard-100 Missiles.
Rory's eyes widened as she realized she was being targeted by their seemingly advanced weaponry.

Rory's eyes widened as she realized she was being targeted by their seemingly advanced weaponry

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