CH6 - Major Evacuation

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As Hodor and Jean, with the assistance of Mark, are still engaged in a conversation, Carlos and Gab remained vigilant, keeping a close eye on their surroundings, while conversing with each other.

Gab: "Wow, this new world has truly exceeded my expectations. I anticipated encountering mostly humans, but I've come across countless unfamiliar animal species."

Carlos: "Indeed. It makes me wonder what other surprises this world has in store for us."

Gab: "I'm excited to discover even more."

Carlos and Gab continued to guard the area, their senses heightened as they contemplated the unknown surprises and potential threats that lay ahead. They remained prepared for anything, whether expected or unexpected.

Scene Switch
Hodor's Home

Hodor: "Wag wat!? Julle het 'n vuurdraak gesien wat 'n deel van die woud verwoes!?" (Wait, what!? Did you guys spot a fire dragon ravaging a part of the forest!?)

Hodor and Tuka exchanged worried looks.

Jean: "Hoekom? Is daar iets om oor bekommerd te wees? Ons neem aan dat dit net die bos se verwoesting was." (Why? Is there something to be worried about? We assume it was just the forest burning for its amusement.)

Hodor: "Vuurdrake val aan wanneer hulle die bloed van 'n lewende wese ruik. Dit sal enigiets en enigiemand doodmaak en verbrand wat dit sien." (Fire dragons attack when they smell the blood of a living creature. It will kill and burn anything and anyone it sees.)

Mark: "Anything it sees?"

Jean: "Yes, anything. Any living creature."

Mark: "So, I think we're exempted."

Jean: "Ugh, anything, understood. Anything, sir."

Mark: "Alright, we should remain vigilant. Let's continue."

Jean: "Yes, sir."*looks at Hodor* "Wat sal jou planne wees, Hodor? Sal dit aanval?" (What will be your plans, Hodor? Will it attack?)

Hodor: "Ja, dit sal. Ons moet ons hele dorp ontruim... maar dit sal tyd neem. Kan ons jou hulp vra? En ons moet ook die ander dorp hiervan in kennis stel." (Yes, it will. We need to evacuate our entire village... but it will take time. Can we ask for your assistance? And we also need to inform the other village about this.)

Jean: "Goed, Hodor, ons--" (Okay, Hodor, we--)

Mark: "Ons het dit, ons sal dit dadelik doen." (We got it, we'll do it immediately.)

Hodor: "Ek het gedink jy kan nie ons taal praat nie." (I thought you couldn't speak our language.)

Mark: "Net 'n bietjie. Okay, mans, laat ons beweeg." (Just a little bit. Okay, guys, let's move.)

Hodor and Mark went outside to warn the whole village, while Jean helped Tuka pack her belongings.

Tuka: "Julle mense lyk anders as die gewone mense wat ons sien." (You people look different from the ordinary humans we see.)

Jean: "O ja, reg, ek het vergeet om jou van ons rasse te vertel. Jou pa weet al waarom ons anders lyk." (Oh yeah, right. I forgot to tell you about our races. Your father already knows why we look different.)

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