Chapter One

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Cam grunts as he thrusts into me. "Fuck," he says, "you feel so damn good."

I lay motionless, having learned long ago that the more complacent I am, the less pain he will inflict. I simply pray to the moon goddess that he will be done soon, but it always feels like it lasts forever. I try to think of a happy place, but I can't. The only thing in my life that is happy is Henry, and I can't think about him when I'm like this.

My wolf whines in relief when he finally comes, leaving me a filthy mess. Cam laughs and pulls out, laying beside me on the bed. He puts an arm around me, and I don't move. I hate myself for it, but I let him do whatever he wants to me. As long as Henry is safe, I don't care about anything else.

"Good boy," he says, and I have to swallow bile at his words. It's almost over, it has to be.

Unfortunately, nothing in my life is that kind. My wolf whimpers as Cam spreads his fingers across my ass and puts two inside of me, lazily moving them in and out. I simply grit my teeth and take it.


Once Cam is finally asleep and I am able to pry his body off of mine, I put on my clothes and run out of the room. "Henry," I whisper when I enter the basement, looking for my little boy.

"Papa!" Henry says, popping up from under a large pile of clothes, other omegas looking at him in disapproval.

"Silly pup," I say, ruffling his hair when he comes over to hug my leg. "Have you been good?" I ask.

"Yes papa," Henry says, nodding. "Lookies," he says, "I done laundry." He points to the pile where some clothes have been messily folded. No doubt I'll have to redo them and another omega, Ben, glares at the pile of clean clothes and then at my boy.

I shield Henry from the hateful looks and carry him over to the pile. "That's my good boy," I say before lifting him up and swinging him over my shoulders. He giggles as I walk over to the pile and sit down.

I sigh as I start to fold the clothes. As much as I would like to do nothing more than play with my pup, I know what happens when I don't do my chores and I have the scars to prove it.

But that's just how things are. Omegas are worthless and nothing more than housekeepers and the playthings of the pack. I thank the moon goddess that Henry is not an omega.

I do my best with him. I may not have much, but I try my best to keep him happy and to give him the best childhood under less than desirable circumstances.

"Papa," Henry says, grabbing an armful of laundry, "I help."

"Yes my precious boy," I say, "you're so helpful."

Ben shoots me another disapproving glare, but I ignore him as I kiss my pup on the head and ruffle his hair.


Omegas in Cam's pack are only allowed to eat the leftovers after everyone else has left the dining room. However, with how much wolves eat, there is never enough for us. I can't remember the last time I wasn't hungry.

Ben hands me a plate before he walks away to give food to the next omega. I frown and look at the small portion of food—half of a dinner roll, a couple spoonfuls of green beans and chicken bones with a barely salvageable amount of meat on them.

I sigh before I hand the plate to Henry. I might be able to eat tomorrow, but I doubt it, and I know better than to ask Ben for more. He already targets me enough despite my attempts to lie low and just get through the day with my pup.

"Eat quickly," I remind Henry. We don't get much time to eat before we have to clean up, and if we take too much time, we'll be punished.

"I quick papa," Henry says and I smile at him.

"Good boy," I say.


I'm awoken in the middle of the night by a hand pushing bruises into my upper arm. I yelp and turn to look at my tormentor, blood running cold when I see Cam glaring down at me.

"Papa?" Henry's sleepy voice asks and I shiver as Cam looks at my pup with hunger in his eyes.

"It's nothing Henry," I say, "go back to sleep." I look at Cam, a silent plea in my eyes. Leave my boy alone.

"Cute kid," Cam says, "how old is he?"

I don't answer and Cam digs his nails into my arm, causing blood to run down them, but I still don't say anything, doing what little I can to protect my pup.

"How old are you?" Cam asks Henry when I don't answer.

"I this many," Henry says, holding up five fingers.

"Good boy," Cam coos and I feel like throwing up. This can't be happening. I don't want Cam anywhere near my pup.

Cam just laughs and slaps me across the face. "God, you're such a whore. Who has a pup at fifteen?"

It's not like it was my choice, I think, but don't say anything.

"Hey," Henry says, "don't hurt my papa."

"It's okay Henry," I say before my air is cut off from Cam's fingers around my throat.

I look around. All of us omegas sleep on thin pallets on the floor of the basement, so surely someone else has woken up from the commotion, and can help me, but no one does. I can't blame them, though, not even the kinder omegas. All it will do is make things worse for me and for them.

"Shut up, bitch," Cam says, before he forces a hand down my pants and grabs my cock. I shake my head.

"Don't," I barely manage to say. Don't do this in front of Henry. It's one thing for you to abuse me when we're alone, but not in front of my son. He doesn't need to see this.

"Don't," Cam mocks, "Don't what? I can do whatever I want to you and there's nothing you can do about it." Cam growls and moves directly in front of my face, spit landing on my cheek as he speaks. "I could fuck you in front of your son and nobody would do anything to stop me."

I can feel the blood leave my face, but I also know that he's right. I'm completely at his mercy, and it's terrifying.

Cam scoffs and lets go of my throat before he pushes me across the room. I land on the floor, hitting my hip and barely managing to avoid my head.

"I want you in my room in the morning," he says, "at the crack of dawn, and if you're not there, I'll be coming for your pup."

Cam leaves and I break down, unable to stop crying.

"Papa," Henry says, walking over to me and giving me a hug. "It's okay papa."

I hug him back and cry harder.

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