Chapter Two

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"They are going to be here for two weeks," Cam says, "and it is your job to make sure that they are comfortable. I don't care what it is, if one of them says that he wants something, you are to give it to him."

I nod along. "Yes Alpha," I say when he finishes explaining the situation. This is the first time that Alpha James and Dennis have come to stay at the Dark Forrest pack, but not the first time that an alpha from another pack has stayed here.

Alpha James and Alpha Dennis are mates and the co-alphas of the Silver Moon pack. Co-alphas are so rare that I have never heard of any others. The rumor is that they're co-alphas because they have another mate who is destined to be their luna.

Apparently they're on a journey to see if that rumor is true and are traveling to other packs to see if they can find their luna.

When I get back down to the basement, it's clear that I'm not the only one aware of the alphas' upcoming visit. Everyone is tense, shoulders hunched over and there is a sense of urgency in the air.

While things are always stressful to a degree, the constant knowledge that we can be hurt on the whim of any alpha hanging over our shoulders, it's worse today.

Usually there are at least some light conversations and stories we share to pass the time, but not now.

One of the kinder omegas, Carol, looks at me and gives me a tight lipped smile as she carries a heavy basket full of dirty clothes.

"Okay, listen up," Ben announces, and everyone stops what they're doing to look at him. "In addition to our usual duties, we are going to be responsible for preparing the guest room and caring for the visiting alphas when they get here. I expect everyone to work hard and to be on their best behavior."

Ben glares at Kade, a young omega known for his clumsiness and penchant for making messes. "And Kade, so help me if you mess anything up."

Kade nods but looks like he's about to cry and I feel sympathetic for him. Ben is harsh on him, and I know that he tries his best, it just never seems to be enough.

"Good," Ben says. "And Noel, it is your responsibility to watch after that pup of yours while you do your share of the work. You need to work as hard as everyone else. You get no excuses just because you're watching after a pup. And don't expect anyone to help you."

"Yes sir," I say, annoyed, but I say nothing else.

"Because Alpha Cam has told me that it is to be your primary job to watch after the visiting alphas, to accommodate their every need and to please them how they like." Ben smirks at me and I feel sick to my stomach at what he's insinuating.

But I don't say anything except, "yes sir." I feel like a coward.


"Henry," I whisper yell, looking around, "stop it."

"But I having fun, papa," he says and it pains me. I wish my pup could have a carefree life, could jump on the bed without me fearing that one of us will be beat for it, but he can't.

"We're supposed to be making the bed, not playing on it," I say, hoping that neither Ben nor Cam can hear me.

We are currently in the guest room, attempting to make the space as welcome as possible for the alphas that will arrive tomorrow night, but Henry is making that difficult, wanting to play with everything in the room.

"Come on pup," I try again, "the sooner we get done, the sooner we can go to the basement and play with your toys." He doesn't have much, just a few hand-me-downs from older pups in the pack, but it's enough, and the promise of toys seems to agree with Henry.

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