Chapter Five

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When I wake up the next morning, Henry is cuddling next to me. He whines when I move.

"Come on buddy," I say, "it's time to get up."

"To do chores?" he asks.

"Yes," I say, wishing that my pup could have a better life, one that isn't a constant revolving door of chores and misery.

I used to dream of such things for myself, before Henry was born. I used to dream of being rescued by a strong, handsome mate who would care for and protect me. But I can't lose myself in such daydreams anymore. Not when I have Henry to protect, and I know the torture that me having a mate would bring him.

We spend the morning together, making breakfast for the pack and our guests. However, when it's time for me to clean the room of the visiting alphas, I leave Henry in the kitchen with Carol.

When I get to the room, I'm not alone, and I pause the moment I walk through the doors. I thought that the alphas were in the kitchen with everyone else, but that proves to not be the case when I walk into their room to see them cuddling in bed.

Alpha James is the first one to see me.

"Mate," he growls, and I feel rooted to the spot.

"Come here, Noel," Alpha Dennis says, but I can't move, fear coursing through my veins.

He sighs and then stands up, moving near me. "Noel," he coos, "it's okay."

"I'm sorry to disturb you, alphas," I say.

"Alphas?" Alpha James questions, "baby, you can call us by our names."

But I don't. I'm too scared of what will happen if I do, if I start to get attached. The only thing running through my mind is how I need to leave. I need to protect myself and Henry.

But, as if on cue, I hear tiny footsteps running toward the room.

"Papa," Henry comes running into the room and I wince, refusing to look at the faces of Alpha Dennis and James as the light of my life runs into my arms.

"Hey buddy," I say, lifting him up and spinning him around.

Henry giggles and I force a smile, pretending to be happy even though I know what this means. Once my fated mates learn that I've had a pup with another man, they'll surely reject me. Few alphas can stand to take in a child that is not their own, and none would treat them as their own. I would know this better than anyone. Cam was my mother's mate before she died.

"Lookie," Henry says, showing me a cookie crumbling in his inelegant fingers. "Carol gave me one. And we baked a whole bunch. There might be some for you." Henry looks at the two alphas in the room. "And you too," he says.

I brave myself to look at the two alphas, frowning as they look at my son.

"You have a pup with another wolf?" Alpha Dennis says, and I hear the twinge in his voice.

Alpha James says nothing and I nod without looking at them. "Yes," I say, knowing what comes next. This is when they will reject me. I prepare myself for the pain that I know will come, but I accept it. I have always known this would happen if I were to meet my mates, I had just hoped that the moon goddess would be kind and never let me meet my mates.

"Oh," Alpha Dennis says, and Alpha James puts a hand on his arm.

"What's his name?" Alpha James says.

"My name is Henry," my little wolf says, twisting in my arms to look at the two men. "Who are you?" He asks.

"James and Dennis," James says, "we're going to be your fathers too."

When he says that, I whip around toward them in shock. Dennis seems less sure, but James has determination on his face. He gives me a smile, but I don't care. I'm not letting any alpha near my baby.

"No, you're not," I say, before Henry can respond.

Alpha James looks shocked, but no less determined. "But we're your mates," he says, "of course we will accept your son." He looks offended that I would expect anything less.

"Mates, papa?" Henry asks, but I can't answer him.

I just shake my head. "I can't let you," I say, "I can't let you hurt him."

"Hurt him?" Alpha Dennis asks in shock, "we would never. He's just a pup."

"And more importantly, he's your pup," Alpha James adds, "that makes him ours."

But I can't accept that, not after everything I've been through, not with everything I know about how alphas treat pups that aren't theirs.

I shake my head, feeling sick. I don't know what to say, and I feel dizzy when an overbearing presence enters the room and I stand straight in fear.

"And what's going on here?" Cam asks, "I trust this omega isn't bothering you two." He stares at me, eyes emotionless, but I can sense the danger that I'm in right now.

"No, of course not," Alpha James says, "we were just talking. He has a beautiful pup."

"He does," Cam agrees and my blood runs cold.

"I hope I am not disturbing you," he says to the alphas, "but I need to borrow Noel for the rest of the day."

"Of course, Alpha," I respond before either of them can, terrified that they'll tell him that I'm their mate. Cam will surely kill me if he discovers that I've found my mates, like he's always said he will.

"Henry," I say, "why don't you go back to Carol in the kitchen?"

"Okay, papa," Henry says, and I'm so grateful that he knows not to argue.

After he leaves, Cam leads me to his bedroom and I know where this is going.

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