Chapter Twelve

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I'm laying on my back on the grass and panting. It feels like I've just run a marathon even though it was only a mile. I look up and can see Alpha James and Dennis talking to one another. They show no signs of being out of breath, they're barely even sweating.

I feel bad and force myself up.

"Are you okay, little one?" Alpha James asks.

"We didn't push you too hard did we?" Alpha Dennis asks.

"No," I say, still panting lightly, and despite the pain in my side I feel good, accomplished even. When I first started training with the alphas I couldn't even complete a full mile. Now, a week later, I have managed to run one. It feels good. Even though I know I'm still very weak, I feel stronger.

The only issue I've been having is with food. Alpha James and Dennis have been eating supper in the pack house with me, ensuring that I don't eat too much, per the doctor's orders, but that I eat enough to grow stronger.

It scares me. I've started skipping breakfast and lunch, making Henry question why I don't eat in the morning while he scarfs down any food that's available to him. I don't have an answer that I can give him. I can't very well tell my son that I'm avoiding food to avoid my heat. He doesn't even know what a heat is. And telling the alphas is out of the question.

"Are you okay to keep going?" Alpha James asks and I groan. Dennis laughs and pulls me in for a quick hug.

I tense, but he doesn't seem to notice and I relax. That's another thing. These alphas are very touchy, and while I'm used to alphas touching me in ways that I don't want, with these two, it's almost nice, and my wolf is certainly pleased with all of their affection. They don't overdo it though, and for that I'm grateful.

I see the way they look at me sometimes, like they want to devour me, but all I get is hugs and lingering touches on the shoulder.

I let out a pleased whine against Dennis' chest as he hugs me, and I can feel the rumble of his chest as he laughs.

"How about we call it a day?" he says, "it's almost time for school to let out anyway."

"Okay," James says, "but I want a quick match against you before we head to the school."

I see Trevor a few feet away, laughing. "Do you want me to referee?" he asks, "make sure neither of you go too far and hurt yourselves."

They agree and I step back as I watch the two of them fight, and I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't impressed. The way they move is almost expertly, throwing and dodging fists, grappling one another with their hands.

Eventually, Alpha James wins, pinning Dennis to the ground, but it was a close match that lasted almost ten minutes. I continue to watch as the two of them stay there, Alpha James sitting on Alpha Dennis and I'm confused as to why they're not moving until Alpha James leans forward and Captures Dennis' lips with his.

I feel myself flush, but I can't look away as the two of them make out. Alpha James lifts Dennis' shirt and brushes a finger across his nipple. Alpha Dennis moans and bucks his hips up, and my mouth goes dry at watching the two. I've never seen anything like this before and I can feel myself growing warm.

They finally stop when Trevor clears his throat. "Okay you horny pups," he says, "that's enough. Time to get going."

Alpha Dennis growls and Trevor laughs as he helps Alpha James get off of him.

Alpha James and Dennis both stand up and walk over to me. I'm still staring at them when Alpha Dennis walks to me and winks at me.

He leans into my ear and whispers. "Did you enjoy the show, gorgeous?"

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