Chapter Seventeen

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"Where the hell is he?" Dennis says, pacing around the kitchen. "When we find him, I am going to kill him."

James just shakes his head. "As much as I want to tear him apart limb from limb, we do have laws."

"Well laws don't mean much when we don't even know where he is. What if he comes back to hurt Noel? No. We can't let that happen," he says.

I stare down at my half full bowl of cereal, listening to the two alphas talk like I'm not even here. Henry is in the living room, watching cartoons before we have to leave for school like he has every morning since we've moved here.

"We will protect Noel," James says, wrapping his arms around Dennis' waist, "okay?"

Dennis rests his head on James' shoulder and sighs, not saying anything.

"And you, little one," James says to me and I look up at him, a little nervously. "You are going to be safe, and we will find Seth soon and put him in prison for a long time."

I nod, but I don't believe him. Nothing else in my life has ever worked out in my favor, why would this be any different?

"Come on, love," James says, "let's get Henry to school."

I stand up from the table, leaving my half finished cereal on the table. I try to ignore Dennis' frown as he looks at it.

I walk toward the living room where Henry is sitting, and Dennis' hand grazes my own. My chest flutters and I pull my hand away from his.

Dennis frowns and I immediately feel bad. I put my hand back and tangle my fingers in between his. His hand is warm and feels like heaven against mine. We haven't kissed since the other night, but the temptation is there.

"Are you not going to eat the rest of your cereal, love" James asks.

I shake my head. "I've eaten enough," I say.

James frowns and shakes his head. He looks at me with concern. "We'll talk about what you mean by that later."

I frown, looking away, ashamed. The last time I had a heat I was brutally raped by multiple men and ended up having Henry, is it such a crime that I don't want to have another one? And I really don't want to talk to them about it later. The two alphas have already been pushing more food on to me than I'm used to.

I try to ignore James as Dennis and I walk into the living room where Henry is already dressed for school and laughing at something on the TV.

"Hello my darling boy," I say, breaking away from Dennis and walking over to my pup, "are you ready to go to school?"

Henry hops off the couch and gives me a wide smile. "Yes, papa," he says.

"And you have all of your homework with you?" I ask. We helped him finish everything last night, but I just want to double check.

Henry nods and I smile at him. "Good boy," I say, "let's get going."

The four of us walk to the school and drop off Henry. We stop at the sidewalk in front of the doors and let him walk the rest of the way by himself. I really want to walk him all the way to his classroom, but he's spent his entire life by my side and I suppose some small independence at this age is good for him.

But my heart aches as I watch his walk away, and when he reaches the doors and turns around to look at me, I give him the biggest smile I can and wave frantically.

"Bye papa," Henry shouts, "bye Dennis and James." He then walks inside and I turn to the alphas beside me.

"So," I say, a little nervously, still getting used to being comfortable around them. "Are we going to go train?"

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