Chapter Seven

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Noel's POV

No part of me wants this. I just met my mates and now this is happening. Cam is right, the moon goddess hates me.

I'm to the point where all I would like is to be left alone. Forget mates, forget everything, I just want Henry to have a nice life. I don't care about myself enough to want a nice life, but I would love for the pain to just stop.

Cam is digging his nails into my back as he fucks me, ignoring my tears and how I squirm, wanting to get away. It hurts, but he just hurts me harder, whipping me with the end of his belt, buckle hitting my scarred skin, until I give up and stop moving.

It's hard and fast, and he grunts in my ear, calling me his whore and I just feel so dirty, but I always feel dirty. I know from experience that this feeling will never go away, that by the time I am able to trick my brain into forgetting, he'll call on me again. I can never forget about what he does to me. It's constant and disgusting. I'm disgusting.

Cam finally comes for the second time today. It's like he can't get enough and I'm terrified that he'll try again. My fear, however, is replaced with a different kind when his hand grips around my throat and I struggle to breathe.

I'm gasping, reaching my hands toward his in an attempt to get them off of me, but it's no use.

Cam laughs. "I could do anything to you," he says before he lets go of my throat. I gasp for air while he yanks my hair and forces my head against the mattress. "I could kill you if I wanted to. I could kill you and let that boy of yours take your place. I bet he has a tight ass." Cam laughs and lets go of me.

He laughs and I don't move, frozen to the mattress as I process what he said. My blood runs cold as I think about my son, and I am filled with a quiet resolve. I have to get us out of here.

He starts to go again and I do something that I haven't done in years, I struggle against him.

"Oh come on," Cam says before he pins me to the mattress, cutting off my ability to move. "None of that."

I squirm against him as he fucks me and it hurts. He fucks me rough and I can feel the blood come out.

"Let me go," I cry, trying uselessly to fight him, "let go of me."

"What is with you?" Cam asks, "you're normally like a bitch in heat, lying there, begging for it."

I shake my head. I've never begged for it, but the fact that he thinks I have makes me feel gross and weak.

"Is it what I said about that bastard son of yours?" he asks before gripping my throat, keeping me from breathing. "Or is it because I could kill you right now and no one, not even that boy, would miss you?"

I shake my head, knowing that Henry would miss me. He would probably be the only one, but he would miss me.

Alpha Cam grips my throat tighter and I grow more terrified. I want this to end, but not like this, he can't kill me and take my son, I won't let him.

I start to fight with all of my might, digging my nails into his shoulders, but Cam just laughs. It doesn't affect him at all and I don't know what to do. My panic mounts as my lungs burn, I can't breathe, I can't think. Oh goddess, I'm going to die like this.

"I'm going to fuck your corpse," Cam screams in my ear, "and then I'm going to make that son of yours take your place before I kill him."

I still try to fight back, but it soon becomes useless, my hands growing weaker the longer I try to pry his hands off of my throat. My vision starts to grow dark and I send one last ditch prayer to the moon goddess to save me, to save my son.

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