Chapter Eight

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It takes two days of driving for us to reach Alpha Dennis and Alpha James' pack. The two alphas take turns driving while Henry and I share the backseat.

At one point Alpha Dennis asked if I wanted to drive and I just stared at the car keys, petrified. I've never learned to drive. The last time I'd even been in a car was with Alpha Cam during my mother's funeral procession to her final resting place.

That had been when I was eight, and I'd be lying if I said that I was nervous upon getting into the car, especially considering the circumstances. However, Henry seems to have no reservations, looking around the vehicle and excitedly pointing out the window at all the trees as we pass then by.

Henry has rarely left the pack house his entire life, so I'm glad that he's taking this so well even though I'm terrified.

Alpha James tells us when we get into pack property, and soon we are parked in front of a large house, larger than the pack house we came from.

"You all wait here," Alpha James says, "I'm going to find Nellie and see about getting you two a room."

"Unless you want to stay with us," Alpha Dennis says, a hopeful look in his face.

But I shake my head. I just got here, and I can't put Henry at risk like that. I ignore the disappointed looks on the alphas faces.

"That's okay," Alpha James says and Alpha Dennis nods in agreement, "baby steps."

"You're here now," Alpha Dennis says, "that's all that matters, you're safe."

My wolf disagrees. It wants more, wants to live with these two alphas, to be claimed by them, but I can't. I have more than myself to worry about now.

Alpha James leaves, heading inside the pack house while the rest of us stand outside the car. It's warm, a light breeze through the air, and I pick up Henry, giving him a hug while he talks about everything he saw on the way here.

"There were so many trees, papa," Henry says, "and cars, and there was a lake."

While he's talking, a man comes up to us, smiling.

"And who is this?" he asks Alpha Dennis, looking at me, "our new luna?"

I don't miss the way he looks at me, with excitement and hope, but I just shake my head, shattering it.

"It's complicated," Alpha Dennis says, "in the meantime can you see about getting clothes and some toys for him and the boy?"

"Of course," he says before turning to me with an outstretched hand, "I'm Trevor." He nudges Alpha Dennis, "the beta of our two dork alphas."

"Hey," Alpha Dennis exclaims.

I shake his hand before he asks me questions about sizes and what kinds of toys Henry likes. I try my best to answer him, but it's hard. It's been years since I've been measured, and Henry has only known ill-fitting hand-me-downs.

"Don't worry about it," Trevor says, "I'll try to find enough stuff for the next few days," he looks at the bag I'm holding, which is embarrassingly ill stocked. "And then we can go shopping together after you get settled in."

"Is he staying with you two?" Trevor asks Alpha Dennis and I get the feeling that I'm going to be arguing against that assumption from more than just him.

"No," Alpha Dennis says, "James is looking into finding them a place to stay."

"Okay," Trevor says, "once you know, tell me so that I know where to drop things off. I'll also go to the grocery store for some snacks. We have meals in the pack house, but you two look so skinny, you need more food in you."

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