Chapter Thirteen

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It's been a week since I've seen Seth, I had almost forgotten about our interaction, but now I can't forget as he glares at me from across the room.

Alpha James puts a hand on my back and leans to my ear. "Ignore him," he whispers, "we'll protect you."

Alpha Dennis is shaking. "What is he even doing here?" he asks, anger pouring through his voice, "I'm going to kill him."

"Killing people is bad," Henry says.

"That's right, baby," I say, giving Alpha Dennis a pointed look.

"Sorry," he says, but he still sounds angry, glaring at Seth from across the room.

"Baby," Alpha James says, turning his attention to Alpha Dennis. "Don't worry about him. He's not going to bother you."

"It's not me I'm worried about," Dennis says, looking at me.

I look away, embarrassed. I feel weak, because I am weak. Without these two alphas around, there's no way I can protect myself from Seth, not even with the training.

"Seth isn't going to hurt Noel with us around," Alpha James says, "we'll protect him."

"But we can't be around him all the time," Dennis says.

"We can," James says, and there's a question in his eyes. I just shake my head. I can't.

"Okay," Alpha James says, "but you'll tell us if he hurts you or even bothers you again?"

"Yeah," I say.

"Good boy," Alpha James says and my heart jumps at the praise.

We wait in line and get our food, but when we sit down at a table far away from Seth, I don't have an appetite. I can still feel Seth's eyes on me from across the room and it forces a knot of anxiety into the base of my throat.

Henry devours his food and stands up for seconds. I stand up with him, intent on helping him fill his plate a second time, even though my plate is still full except a couple of cooked carrots that I managed to force down.

However, I'm stopped by Alpha James' hand on mine. "Let Dennis help him," he says, giving Alpha Dennis a worried look, and something tells me I'm the cause of it.

I'm hesitant, but when I see the wide smile that Henry gives Alpha Dennis, I allow it, sitting back down.

"Yay," Henry says, "come on, papa Dennis." He puts his small hand in Alpha Dennis' and a pang of worry stabs my heart. He's already growing so attached to these two alphas and I don't know how to stop it, or if I should stop it. I don't want my boy to get hurt like I have been.

I watch the two of them join the line of people getting food, but am soon turned around to face Alpha James by his hand on my cheek.

"Love,' he says, "you need to eat."

I shake my head, feeling sick to my stomach. I look down at my plate and nothing looks appealing.

He sighs and I fear I've upset him when he scoots closer to me and picks up my fork, taking a bite sized piece of roast beef onto it.

"Come here," he says, holding the fork up to my face, "and eat."

I flush, embarrassment at being fed like a baby filling my face. I can't resist looking around to see if anyone else is staring at me and James as he holds the fork to my face.

"None of that," Alpha James says gently, touching my cheek with his free hand and causing me to look back at him, to stare into his deep eyes. He moves the fork to my lips and I open my mouth, taking a bite of the food.

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