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"S-shit" The drug addict exclaimed when he saw that he was on a dead end road.

He was very tired and his breathing was very agitated.

he was in a state of panic, Izuku had been chasing him for 5 minutes now.

Seeing that there was no way out there, the guy turned around to keep running, but...

"Here you are!" Izuku exclaimed, grabbing him by the face to slam his head against the wall.

"UGH!" The man let out a slight scream, his aura immediately turned red, about to break.

That caught Izuku's attention, who only smiled even more.

"P-please, h-have mercy," the guy said weakly. "You have aura huh? Perfect." Izuku said, lightening his grip so he could speak better.

"Listen to me carefully, you idiot, I can kill you here and right now if I feel like it, but you have a chance to live. I Notice that you have aura, tell me, do you know how to activate it in others?" Izuku said with his red eyes and some black/red rays coming out of his body.

Izuku looked very intimidating, not only his voice but his appearance as well, so the guy just gulped and nervously responded.

"Y-yes, I-I can activate it, but p-please, promise me that you will let me l-live" the guy said with difficulty Izuku just sighed angrily.

"fine....I promise to let you live ONLY if you manage to activate my aura. Do what you have to do now before I lose my patience and kill you" Izuku said, releasing him.

The guy fell to the floor agitated, spit out a little blood and, gathering his courage, stood up. "W-well, the process is quite simple," said the nervous guy.

"Then do it, don't make me repeat myself" said Izuku with his red eyes and his rays since he still had the afo activated.

"O-of course!" he nervously responded
(Pov izuku)
("Perfect, most characters in RWBY can fight hand to hand with powerful grimms just using their aura, literally the aura is what makes them superhuman, it regenerates wounds and acts as a protective barrier, I'm sure that if I get that power I could already fight with several important characters from this serie.") I thought smirking a little.

The drug addict put his hand on my shoulder and started saying things, the same thing Pyrrha said to Jaune to be exact.

"P-please close your eyes mister and concentrate, or e-else the process will take m-much longer," the guy told me in a nervous tone.

"Sure, if you try anything while my eyes are closed I swear I'll rip your skin off" I said scaring him.

"s-s-sure! Don't worry, I won't dare-" "Just shut up and do it for god sake!" I said already very upset Then the guy started muttering and I tried to concentrate.

Then, I began to feel something, a very strange but powerful sensation.

Suddenly a light illuminated my entire body just when the drug addict finished speaking.

"I-it's done..." the guy said and fell to the ground unconscious, he used the last of his aura to awaken mine.

The feeling was incredible. I looked at my arms in amazement as a smile began to grow on my face.

"Yes...YES, THE POWER IS ENORMOUS" I said, taking a huge jump so that when I landed I made a crater in the ground, I think I jumped about 10 meters.

"Hahahaha! It's amazing!" It was the best feeling in the world so far. I felt like I had a new body.

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