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**(No POV)**

In a place where there is only pure darkness and a huge death silence a purple portal appears, and from it gently falls a sleeping boy with green hair.

The boy is barely visible due to the darkness surrounding him, so a light appears above him, illuminating only where he is, although he seems undisturbed by it.

That boy was obviously Izuku.

???: "Finally..."

A black face with only two eyes visible, which were white orbs, appears above Izuku, looking at him with excitement.

???: "Heavy sleeper, huh? Don't worry, I have the solution for that..." he said as white teeth appeared in his 'face', forming a twisted smile.

Then he placed his long hand with long fingers on Izuku's head.

???: "...Wake up (y/n) (l/n)".
**(Izuku's POV)**
I opened my eyes wide to sit up and grab my head in pain.

"¡AGHH!, damn it!" I exclaimed feeling a sharp paing in my head.

The pain unfortunately continued for a few seconds until it suddenly stopped.

I knelt and breathed heavily, trying to calm down as several drops of sweat fell down my forehead.

"Fucking shit!, midoriya I swear to god if you were the one who caused this I am gonna" I didn't talk when I saw where I was.

you" I didn't talk when I saw where I was

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(You are in the light)

I keep looking for some seconds at what it seems to be infinite darkness.

"Damn, am I in a damn dream?" I said since the last thing I remember before being here was going to bed.

???: "Do you think this is a dream...(y/n)(l/n)?" A sinister voice, as if with a raspy throat, spoke.

A shiver ran down my spine, and although his voice sounded familiar, I didn't know who he was.

Just as I was about to speak, Midoriya came out of my body and with a panicked look shouted at me.

Midoriya: "(Y/N), RUN, ANYWHERE BUT RUN-"

???: "SILENCE!"

The unknown voice shouted angrily so loud that it made me cover my ears in pain and grind my teeth.

I raised my head to see Midoriya with blank eyes and a stoic face.

As if he was following an order, he slowly entered my body again.

Gathering courage, I used all the semblances I could use for attack and shouted,

"Who the hell are you?!" I said as I launched a blaze where I heard the voice.

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