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Sorry for taking so long, I was reading several stories that I liked and lost a lot of time lol.

(Also watching jujutsu kaisen. Fav character is yuji and sukuna 💖)
(Pov: nobody)
Izuku: "Well, a cell without cameras. How lucky of me." he said with a calm smile looking around.

It turns out that Glynda took them to the nearest police station where they would be interrogated and they would decide what to do with them due to their acts of 'vigilantism' and blah, blah, blah...

Unimportant stuff.

Izuku thought they would be in the same cell as Ruby and being interrogated at the same time.

But they ended up in separate cells, so it's obvious they want to talk about something more specific with him, maybe because of his background as Glynda herself had said.

Or maybe also, his semblance...

The power he has is unique and powerful, it was only a matter of time before Salem's side or Ozpin's side found him and tried to get him to join them.

The information about his power is public due to his legal document, not all the information but enough to attract the attention of both sides.

Anyway, he was in an interrogation cell (like Ruby in episode one) alone, without cameras, without guards, and only some weak handcuffs that he could easily break if he wanted.

He had something pending to do and would take advantage of it right there.

Izuku: "Midoriya, come out now." he said calmly.

Immediately, a Midoriya emerged from his body, confused.

Midoriya: "Wow, it's the first time you've called me, it must be important, isn't it?" He said floating beside him.

Izuku just looked at him with a calm/egotistical expression, which made Midoriya feel uneasy and more serious.

Something was wrong.

Izuku: "You know, unlocking the aura made me have better control of my own soul."

"Well, maybe not control, but better understanding and visualization of it."

Midoriya just sighed tiredly and said, "Get to the point, I don't know what you're getting at with that."

Izuku just chuckled lightly before saying, "Ok, ok... in short, I can see our souls with better definition," he said as Midoriya looked at him confused, but Izuku continued speaking.

"Since I knew I would have to function with you, it made me try to find any possible method to eliminate you. Yes, I might be the parasite here, but I'm the one who will have control of the body from now on."

"You know, this body was never intended to do a fusion, in fact, it's something you did on purpose to stay alive longer... am I wrong?" He said with a mocking smile, looking at a shocked Midoriya.

"When I got your body, there was only my soul, but you clung so much to life that your soul reappeared, but not with the strength it had before because it wasn't your destiny to keep alive."

"To compare, currently my soul would be the size of a soccer ball, while yours would be the size of an apple."

"I admit that if your soul were as strong as before, you wouldn't take a second to gain control over me, but unfortunately for you, you're weak." he said as a malicious smile began to grow on his face.

Midoriya: "H-how did you know all that...?" he said shocked.

Izuku: "oh don't worry about how I knew, I won't tell you anyway. Back to the point. that's why I control the body, because you don't have enough strength to even fight for control." he said confidently.

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