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(Point of view: Izuku)


"Today is the fucking day," I said as I cleaned my katana with a handkerchief.

Today is the day of Beacon's entrance exam.

And oh boy i was very excited about that, new challenges, new opponents and interesting things to do!

Not only that, but I will also get to see several characters from the series, and if I'm lucky, a fight too.

Besides, this will tell me if I successfully prevented Beacon's fall. I always knew that Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury were the most responsible for the invasion.

If I managed to prevent it, then technically, I saved the lives of several young people and others by killing the bitch of Cinder and Emerald.

"I need to see the result of my actions with my own eyes," I said, finishing cleaning my katana, which was so clean thst I could see my reflection in it.


Speaking of this sword, I want to tell you something interesting it has related to the Moon-Slice semblance.

But first, I'll tell you what the semblance does, since in the series, as far as I know, they never said what it does, only that it launches red slashes or wird energy attacks.

While that is true, it's not all it can do.

Moon-Slice allows the bearer to launch a very powerful slash of red energy from any sharp object they hold.

Whether it's a knife, sword, sharp piece of wood, sharp rock, or even their own nail.

Any of the mentioned things can be used to launch a slash that shreds the poor opponent.

But the larger the sharp object is, the larger the slash.

Additionally, if the user has taken damage, this can be used to enhance the slash, creating a powerful attack that turns everything it touches to dust.

Basically, the fuel for this semblance is the damage the bearer has received.

Moon-Slice and Burn have the same function.

They feed off and become more powerful the more damage the user has taken.

But I don't necessarily need to take damage to use one or the other; the damage just enhances them.

This makes Yang and Adam very similar despite being enemies... well, only their semblances.

Getting back to the point.

Adam's katana is made of a very rare red material that I don't know what it is.

It's not only resistant and durable but also increases the power of the slashes made by Moon-Slice.

I don't know how, but I've done several tests with knives, sharpened sticks, swords, and fire lances/swords that I created with my pyrokinesis.

With a knife, I managed to cut down a tree; with a sharpened stick, I almost cut down the tree; with a fire sword, I cut down two trees, the same with the fire lance.

But with Adam's katana, I managed to cut down five damn trees. I don't want to imagine how powerful a slash would be after taking a lot of damage.

Which also leads me to a conclusion: the stronger the object/material I use to launch the cut, the more powerful the Moon-Slice slash will be.

Therefore, this sword must be made of a very strong and durable material.

"You and I will be great friends," I said, giving the katana a little kiss and then storing it in my black sheath.

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