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"Thumb" is the sound footsteps make.

End of noticeDeaaaa...

(Pov nobody)

("Ughhhhh........Salem won't be pleased with this.")

Arthur Watts thought, shutting off his scroll with a tired sigh as he exited his laboratory.

What happened?

Well, it turns out he had received a call from Mercury, who informed him that the mission to assassinate and obtain the powers of the maiden had horribly failed.

Not only that, but also...

"Emerald and Cinder dead and Mercury is gone, what a mess... although Cinder's demise was predictable given how naive and stupid she was," he said with a neutral expression.

The mission was supposed to be a success according to Mercury, but a stranger appeared who supposedly had been waiting for them, attacking them by surprise and managing to make the maiden escape safely from the scene.

He and Mercury discussed about the boy and both think he's one of Amber's guards. They knew Qrow worked as her protector, but they didn't know she had another one.

They should have assumed it; it was somewhat obvious that someone as important as Amber wouldn't have just ONE bodyguard.

NOTE, he wasn't saying Qrow was unimportant, as he's one of the strongest hunters at the moment, almost on the same level as the crazy Tyrian.

Meh, back to the point.

Mercury left the group.

When they end talking about what happen in the mission Arthur was gonna send a shop to take Mercury and send it here.

But he refused.

Arthur: "alright, I'll tell Salem about this and send a ship to take you back"

Mercury: "HAHAHA, hell no, if this fire fucker didn't kill me, she know how it went to the last person who worked with her and fail....if I go there I am gonna die, from now on I will disappear, I know she will send people to kill me, but it's worth the try..."

Arthur: "hm, good luck in that."

Mercury clean some blood he had in his mouth and then turn off the phone, making Arthur to sigh...

It was obvious that the plan to obtain the maiden's powers would fail, after all, Cinder, the 'mastermind' planned it.

And that makes him mad.

If HE had planned the attack, everything could be VERY different and a valuable ally like Emerald with her semblance wouldn't die.


But he couldn't complain because Salem was the one who chose Cinder to plan the attacks.

Despite Salem's decision, he was sure he was superior to her in every damn possible aspect.


So.... Why would she choose Cinder over him, who has demonstrated his analytical ability and intelligence on several occasions?


Oh right, he's not a woman, therefore he can't obtain the maiden's powers, damn.

Anyway, Cinder died, so maybe this is his chance to take charge and plan every damn strike on Beacon, maidens, and above all... Atlas.

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