CHAPTER 8: unexpected encounter

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(POV: Nobody)
<<Timeskip 2 days after the fight with Adam and Blake>>
Izuku grabbed a glass of water and sat in front of his computer.

Izuku: *sigh* Well, it's time for me to finally start registering for the Beacon exam. I have all the necessary papers and procedures.

Izuku turned on the computer as he took a sip of water.

Izuku: I've been watching TV, and you can submit the application online. You just have to send your details through the website, and that's it.

Izuku: Heh, it's not as complicated as in my previous world, Great.

With that said, he proceeded to search for the Beacon Academy page online, and after a few minutes, he managed to access it.

Izuku: Okay, time to fill out the form!

Izuku filled out all with his documents on the site, luckily it was easy and didn't take too long.

Izuku: Wow, that was pretty quick. Now I just have to press 'submit'. *he said with a calm smile* nothing could go wrong now.

[-Does not meet the minimum age requirement to enter the academy-]

[-Minimum age 17-]
Izuku: ......uh? *he said incredulously*

Right, he had forgotten that he had to be 17 to enter.

Izuku: Ugh, damn it! And I wanted to do something legal for once!

With a heavy sigh, he grabbed his forehead in frustration; he needed another plan to get in.

Izuku: Well, Ruby got in thanks to the fight with Roman, maybe I can... wait!

A light bulb went off in Izuku's head, and with a wicked smile, he chuckled softly.

Izuku: Yes, that could work, but I'll have to wait for Roman and Ruby's fight. I'll be there and I'll be able to talk to Ozpin.

Oh yes, Izuku would enter that academy no matter what, and he already had a plan, a risky one, but a plan nonetheless.
Izuku was in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. His wound had completely healed, but it left a good scar.

Izuku: "You really outdid yourself with that attack, Blake. You left me a nice reminder of you on my face," he said, touching the scar.

 You left me a nice reminder of you on my face," he said, touching the scar

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Izuku: "It looks a bit small, but it hurt like hell. I'm sure if my aura hadn't absorbed part of the attack, you would've easily torn my face off blake. Thanks aura for existing" he said with a silly smile.

Izuku: " well, at least I look more intimidating. Having Izuku's body is a pain in the ass because I'm too short and cute, only when I activate All For One with my suit I look intimidating... so thanks I guess" he said with an awkward laugh, talking to himself.

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