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Pov izuku)
Time passed and just like in Yang's trailer she started fighting with Junior's guards.

With a chill smile I took a sip of my drink "Wow, seeing it in person is cooler than on video, honestly" I said entertaining watching how Yang fight the junior guards.

"Not for nothing yang is one of my favorite characters, I hate her a little thought. Meh  she is very strong, I love her fighting style and her gauntlets, I already want to fight her" I said with a smile the last thing.

(Please watch the whole video 🙏)
(Yang pov)
. That idiot! How dare he pull out a lock of my hair? Ugh, he made me use my semblance to the fullest out of anger.

I approached the broken window and try to find him, I still have questions to ask him.

Seeing him lying on the street unconscious from my blow made me a little worried.

"Maybe I overdid it with that blow, I need him awake and not dead if I want answers" I said while reloading the cartridges in my gauntlets.

Suddenly, some loud applauses start to sound behind me, interrupting my thinking.

turning around alerted I got into a fighting position.

"Bravo! You put on a good show there blonde, you don't even look tired from having fought against all of them" said a boy, he looked about my age, he had green hair and eyes of the same color, he had dark circles under his eyes and pretty sure he is 1.66 o 67 tall (izuku's actual height) .

Where did it appear from? . . . Oh, I remember! He was at the bar while I was fighting, I don't know why he didn't leave this place when the fight started.

"Uh? Thanks I guess?" I said lowering my arms a little, something was telling me not to let my guard down for some reason.

"You know, I love your fighting style. Not many use their fists nowadays, right? Besides your semblance, it was spectacular! You defeated Junior with a single punch haha, you really are strong..." He said with a smile, Although his tone changed a bit when he said the last thing for some reason.

Even though I like to be admired, I'm wasting my time, Junior may run away if I keep listening to this guy, I should now ask Junior about my mother.

"Hey look, thanks for the admiration and everything but I have to go seriously, I have to ask some questions to my little friend that I accidentally threw out the window" I said with an awkward smile.

I tried to move forward but a fireball hit me, sending me a few meters away.

"UGH!" I screamed, rolling on the ground until I jumped and pulled myself together. Looking at him with an angry face I yelled.

"Hey idiot!, what's your problem!?....oh you're one of the junior men too?" I said, getting into a combat position.

"Me?, working for him? HAHAHA...please, I would never work for that cowardly weakling over there, believe me, I'm worse than one of them. I'm Izuku Midoriya So don't hold back in this fight if you want to live another day" he said as his expression changed from 'cheerful' to a cold one.

Fire began to surround him making him look even more terrifying.

Shit, his look gave me chills, he looks very strong and intimidating....although he also looks very sexy~

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