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(Pov nobody)
(Timeskip 1 day)
"RAGHHH" roared a Major Ursa, standing on its legs, demonstrating its height to try to intimidate the person it was fighting.

And who was that person? Obviously, you.

Izuku stood in front of the Ursa with his katana and it new black sheath at his waist, unfazed by the Ursa's size, wearing a calm expression.

"Hm, what are you waiting for? A countdown? Attack, you filthy dog," Izuku said boredly.

As if understanding somehow, the Major Ursa roared furiously and lunged at Izuku at full speed, trying to swipe at his face with its claws.

"You're too..." Izuku dodged the swipe, sidestepping quickly, and swiftly unsheathed his katana. "Predictable!" he said, delivering a precise slash to the Ursa's neck with his fire-wrapped katana, decapitating and killing it instantly.

(Izuku to make the katana turn on fire, was because he use his pyrokinesis on it)

The Ursa's body began to disappear as Izuku sheathed his katana in boredom.

Midoriya: "And with that, we've taken down 110 Grimms! Good job!" Midoriya's voice echoed inside Izuku's head.

Izuku was a bit sweaty, his suit slightly askew, with a few scratches or minor cuts on his body but nothing serious.

Izuku: "These Grimms are weak but entertaining! I've killed Nevermores, Beowolves, Ursas, Manticores, Death Stalkers, and this supposed strongest type of Ursa, the Major," he said, starting to walk away from the forest.

Midoriya: "Well, I think the issue isn't that they're weak, but that you're too strong, don't you think?" Midoriya said, appearing beside him, floating.

Just as Izuku was about to respond, a Beowolf emerged from the bushes, trying to launch a surprise attack from behind.

The Grimm opened its mouth, ready to snap Izuku's head off, but he grabbed its jaw and with an arrogant smirk said "Nice try." Suddenly, the Grimm's body started to turn reddish-orange, then finally exploded.

Izuku had used Cinder's semblance to overheat the Grimm until it died, just like Cinder did to Pyrrha in the series.

He gave a slight smile as he blew the smoke coming from his hand.

Izuku: ("Cinder's semblance is very useful. Not only can I destroy my opponents' weapons by grabbing them, but I can also sever limbs or kill more easily.") he thought with an arrogant smile, looking at his hand.

Midoriya: "That semblance reminds me a lot of Tomura's quirk. While his destroys upon touch, Cinder overheats to the point of destruction. Obviously, Tomura's is stronger, but Cinder's is nothing to sneeze at." Midoriya said.

Izuku: "Yes, I need to start using all the semblances I have at my disposal. There's no point in having 80 if I only use one." he said now more serious and beging to walk.

Midoriya: "You're right, it's better to focus on quality over quantity. Currently, you rely heavily on Pyrokinesis and Burn for most of your fights. You can use Blake's semblance for evasion and Emerald's for confusion or distract."

Izuku: "Of course. Her semblance could work for infiltrations and surprise attacks too. Although there are still three semblances I need as soon as possible."

Midoriya: "And what would those three be?"

Izuku: "Ruby's Petal Burst, Neo's semblance, and Weiss's semblance," he said, creating a butterfly knife of fire and starting to do tricks with it.

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