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(POV: Izuku)


I left home with the katana firmly secured at my hip.

The fresh morning air helped me clear my mind and relax, dispelling any doubts I might have had.

Today was an important day, and I needed to be in my best condition.

"How will Yang react when she sees me?" I thought, bored, with a hand on my chin.

I kept walking through the streets and stopped by a window of a closed shop, which reflected my image.

("Hmm...") I thought with a monotonous face, looking at my body.

") I thought with a monotonous face, looking at my body

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"Sometimes I miss my other body, but doing that is missing the past, and that would only hold me back..." I said, turning my gaze away from the window with a serious face.


"Pff, HA! To hell with my previous life, this one is much better anyway." I said laughing, replacing my serious face with a confident smile as I resumed my pace.


(Timeskip 10 minutes)


("Not much longer to go.") I thought, bored while analyzing what would happen next.

I turn my gaze and see the people walking in the streets or in the buildings, they are in peace and without any trouble crossing their mind.

"I need to be alert. Without Cinder in charge of Salem's operations, I don't know what their next move will be." I say with a sigh.

But I'll let Ozpin handle that crap; I've helped enough by giving the identities of those working with Salem and killing Cinder and Emerald.

Not only that, but I also contributed ideas for their possible plans.

Obviously, that doesn't mean to stay ultra-calm, i will keep helping here and there so we can kill all those motherfuckers.

"Hmm, the maiden is safe for now. Ozpin, Qrow, and Amber should be enough to deal with Salem's shit team." I murmured, placing my arms behind my neck.

"I need a break from the war between Ozpin and Salem. I've contributed enough for now." I said with a playful smile.

"Now I just need to enjoy the antics, fights, and semblances I can copy/steal at Beacon, hehe..." I murmured with a smile.

My face turned serious, and I put my hands in my pants pockets.

"Talking about semblance, I still need more semblances in my arsenal. I lack Weiss's, Sun's, Neo's, Jaune's, and Hazel's. For now, those are the few I remember; maybe I'll see more semblances at the academy and be able to copy them."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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